View Full Version : Red Hat

Tom Mullane
12-17-2004, 3:16 PM
My wife has a friend who belongs to a group called the Red Hat Society.. don't ask me about all I know is they like the color red..LOL...
She asked me to make something special for her for Christmas... here it is... Big Leaf Maple Burl Double Twist Euro Pen and a Perfume Applicator... dyed with Chestnut Spirit Dye then buffed with some 0000 steel wool to remove some of the dye from parts of the burl... the picture unfortunately does not do it justice... it looks like red marble...
Finish is Cellulose Sanding Sealer, followed by CA sanded to 12000MM and then Trade Secret for Wood and Renaissance Wax... glistens like glass...
SWMBO is very happy, so therefore I am allowed to be very happy.. LOL

Jim Ketron
12-17-2004, 4:51 PM
Very Nice Tom!!!

Now come on you dont hold out on your buddies do ya! (Trade secret)

Tom Mullane
12-17-2004, 5:13 PM
Jim, Trade Secret for Wood is an actual product and I wish I had developed it.. LOL..
You can find out more about it at www.penturners.org.... it was developed and is being sold by one of the members... it is a really great finish and also food safe... interesting stuff.... I have been using it for about 3 months now... really like the effect it gives...
BTW... been meaning to ask you... do you live in the Weber City that is on the Southern Border or the one that is mid state.... I need to know so I can decide what time I need to leave my house in MD to get there in the middle of the night and make off with those maple blanks.... LOL....