View Full Version : Firewood orrrrrrrrr

Karl Card
09-16-2010, 8:43 PM
I have been wanting to get some bowl blanks and not have to pay the price for shipping. I am seeing nothing here locally so I thought, hmmm, why not firewood. I emailed a couple people selling firewood and ask if they had any logs of maple, pear, apple, walnut, cherry and hickory. Well looks like I get to go looking next week and see what I need to get. I just hate paying 5 or 10 bucks for a bowl blanks and then paying another 10 or 12 for shipping. Makes it not such a good deal. Around here most people dont want to sell bowl blanks becasue they are getting more money out of a box of pen blanks. I guess I could start gluing up my pen blanks being I have about 10 boxes of 100 each that are not in my every day mix...

David E Keller
09-16-2010, 8:46 PM
Karl, I'd suggest you try and make friendly with a local tree trimmer... Sometimes they are the same folks selling the firewood. I made pens for the guys that took down a couple of oak trees for us, and I've had access to his woodlot ever since. I'll occasionally take him bowl or something to stay in good graces. He's never taken a dime for the wood I've taken even though I've offered several times.

Karl Card
09-16-2010, 11:11 PM
I am thinking I just need an ice storm and a chainsaw....lol

Tony Pridmore
09-16-2010, 11:35 PM
Have you checked craigslist? Frequently, there are ads wanting folks to come pick up log sections that are already cut. Of course you also get a lot of ads wanting you to fell trees and cleanup for the free wood.

David's recommendation on the tree service is probably a better approach. I once stopped to ask a crew about some maple they were cutting. They loaded my pickup full.

Karl Card
09-17-2010, 1:19 AM
Have you checked craigslist? Frequently, there are ads wanting folks to come pick up log sections that are already cut. Of course you also get a lot of ads wanting you to fell trees and cleanup for the free wood.

David's recommendation on the tree service is probably a better approach. I once stopped to ask a crew about some maple they were cutting. They loaded my pickup full.

I think that tomorrow would be a good day to call some tree trimming places and make some new friends....

brian watts
09-17-2010, 4:28 AM
i get alot of FREE wood off of craigslist.

Gene Hintze
09-17-2010, 7:58 AM
I get a lot of free wood from Craigslist as well. Also check with your city forester about what they do with the trees they cut down. Most cities have a place they take them where people can cut them up for firewood. I just scored a 12' long maple log covered in burls from one end to the other from the city wood dump.

Michael Mills
09-17-2010, 9:39 AM
You may also try the freecycle group for Evansville, IN
Just google freecycle and your town. You must join yahoo if you are not already a member. Everything is free (either offered or wanted).
Just like Craigs List, wood is often offered.

steven carter
09-17-2010, 10:09 AM

I live in Liberty Indiana, and my olderest brother lives in Madisonville Ky. I don't get to visit him very often, but when I do, I usually go though Evansville and I could bring you some wood. I am seeing my brother in Gatlinburg this weekend, if I take some wood with me and let him take it home with him would you be interested in hooking up with him some time for the transfer? I know he goes to Henderson/Evansville probably once a week or so.
PM me and let me know.


Kevin Stanbary
09-17-2010, 12:32 PM
I've had luck getting free wood off Craigslist as well. And it turned out the last one I responded to was, in fact a landscaping company who already had enough firewood for their season, so they were giving remaining tree removals away.

Karl Card
09-17-2010, 1:21 PM
believe me I read craigslist about every 3 to 4 hours when i am at home. there is usually some high priced wood on there but not ever free and not hardly ever a fair deal.

On cheapcycle I did run into a guy who was cutting down maple trees and said first come first serve. Unfortunately I did not have a chainsaw and no way of getting in touch with a chainsaw. So that is why I am thinking seriously of getting a chain saw as soon as money permits. One of those things you dont need maybe all the time but sure need it bad when you do..

Rob Holcomb
09-17-2010, 3:10 PM
This is exactly what I did. I called one and he was very willing to help me out. I went to his business site and picked out what I wanted to get get started with (Maple, White Oak, Ash, Cherry) and he even cut chunks off the logs for me and helped me load it into my pickup. He had logs and cut up firewood for as far as the eye could see! He wouldn't take a dime! I gave him my cell number and I gave him a couple of requests (Black Walnut and Apple) which he didn't have laying around. He said he would call me when he cuts them. I have a bowl drying for him and I just ordered a pen making kit and plan on dropping off a couple after I make them. As long as you are nice to people and give something back in return, you will find most people will just give you what you want. It's also nice for me to do it this way because I live in a residential neighborhood and I don't have a bunch of logs laying around that my neighbors might not like to look at.

Karl, I'd suggest you try and make friendly with a local tree trimmer... Sometimes they are the same folks selling the firewood. I made pens for the guys that took down a couple of oak trees for us, and I've had access to his woodlot ever since. I'll occasionally take him bowl or something to stay in good graces. He's never taken a dime for the wood I've taken even though I've offered several times.