View Full Version : Sharpening humor

Aaron Rappaport
09-16-2010, 2:18 PM
I just had to share this. Here's a Google-generated ad on the Australian woodworkforums.com site, on a thread discussing sharpening with a belt sander:
Be a Belt Sander Stone (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BHp_LKD6STMy9FNThlQeJqd2bAbvZ9MMBq_jhlxfAjbcBoJ UtEAEYCSD93_QBOABQ2ZrhpPj_____AWDJhqOH1KOAEKAB1773 7QOyARZ3d3cud29vZHdvcmtmb3J1bXMuY29tugEJNzI4eDkwX2 FzyAEB2gFZaHR0cDovL3d3dy53b29kd29ya2ZvcnVtcy5jb20v ZjEyNy9kMi1zdGVlbC1zaGFycGVuaW5nLWJlbHQtc2FuZGVyLW JlbHQtY29tcGFyaXNvbi02NjAxMi_gAQPIAtemoA2oAwHIAxfo AzDoA7YH6AOwBegDMegDePUDBAAAxA&num=9&sig=AGiWqtzDKvWKrb6lthhC0sRasp-Oul0flg&client=ca-pub-9333841639456719&adurl=http://www.Univ-Phoenix-Online.com/forms/form.jsp%3FADEL%3D%252FmwUiWBVwrfXTwSunYQ3kZ2mnFgo OfV77FNNn9aaEr5B7J1Uyeh7SoeU7ZasyEphr7g2%252F0w8RL jQY%252BBBhRrdpQrV%252FWyQ2tapvOpD4q%252FCk%252FOF Jk5lt8WjSg%253D%253D%26KW%3Dbelt%2520sander%2520st one%26GB%3D6127604195%26SID%3Dadsense%26PI%3Dwww.w oodworkforums.com&nm=24)
Be a Belt Sander Stone w/ an Online Degree. Get Info!
www.Univ-Phoenix-Online.com (http://www.Univ-Phoenix-Online.com)
You can get a degree in anything, I suppose :)!

Bill Houghton
09-16-2010, 3:27 PM
They've apparently caught their error; it now offers me the chance to become a police officer. I've known and respect way too many police officers to find that amusing.

Still, returning to the original ad you saw: I suspect we all know folks who would need a degree to be as smart as a sharpening stone. Heck, I've worked for a few.

Rick Rutten
09-16-2010, 10:18 PM
They probably have a skewed perspective.


Dan Karachio
09-17-2010, 7:14 AM
Rick, that is just plane corny.

Rick Rutten
09-17-2010, 10:08 AM
Yes this is kind of gritty humor. I suppose we could try to hone it in a little bit. Then it may be a bit more polished. :D


john brenton
09-17-2010, 11:34 AM
All right, all right, strop it you two.

Yes this is kind of gritty humor. I suppose we could try to hone it in a little bit. Then it may be a bit more polished. :D


Dan Karachio
09-17-2010, 3:33 PM
You guys are making me laugh so hard, I might lose control and take a #1.