View Full Version : SMC Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
04-06-2003, 9:43 PM
Well another weekend has come and gone and the usual Monday work day is approaching fast.

All of you already know what I did this weekend. I installed my Dust Eliminator Cyclone system with ducting and blast gates. Next weekend Terry Hatfield, Bob Lasley and I will be at Ray's and the End-O-Pond Gathering in Indy.......We hope to see a LOT of you there at the gathering.

Jim Baker
04-06-2003, 10:00 PM
It was much too cold for the lawn work we had planned for the weekend. We did get the shed cleaned out so HWGHAFM can use the basketball goal we have in there.

Shop-wise, I finished five raised panel doors and installed them on our two kitchen pantry units that we had built. I cut and routed the rails and stiles for LOMLette's raised panel desk and also cut out all the pieces for the face frame. Finally, I built my project for the exchange at Ray's picnic in Indy next weekend. I look forward to meeting all of you there.

Ray Thompson
04-06-2003, 10:17 PM
Shop's clean (relatively),the meat is cooked, pop's on ice. Now I have to build some fancy tables for next weekend. Well if you call sawhorses and plywood fancy.

Ray - Party ready.

Jim Baker
04-06-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Ray Thompson
Shop's clean (relatively),the meat is cooked, pop's on ice. Now I have to build some fancy tables for next weekend. Well if you call sawhorses and plywood fancy.

Ray - Party ready.
Sawhorses and plywood are fancier than a lot of other things I've eaten on.

keith zimmerman
04-06-2003, 11:35 PM
Only thing I did in the shop this weekend was turn a new endgrain bowl. I made it from mulberry. The interior is just over 4" deep and total height is 4 3/16". It is 5 1/2" in diameter. The walls are a uniform 3/16" thick. I used my Sorby Multi-tip Shear Scraper. The finish so far is one coat of Watco Danish Oil.

That's all I did besides wait for next week at Ray's.


jack duren
04-07-2003, 12:16 AM
looks nice keith.

couldnt get the second coat of poly sprayed on my doors/drawers(rained). broke my rythum so i didnt do much of anything. ok, i ran some cat5 to the bar.....jack

Brad Hammond
04-07-2003, 1:55 AM
LOML wanted something for the cats to sleep in other than the terra cata planters on the front porch.
Made this out of Cedar that was sawn in the early '40's. Lined it with cedar chips and of course they're not using it...........lol
Should have used a cardboard box and an old dish towel and they'd never get out of it.....
One thing of interest that i loved about the Cedar was the beautiful purple hue i got when i was milling it. The pic doesn't do the color justice, but i rushed the project a little and finished it early because i didn't want the purple to oxidize. I kept most of it and the spar varnish brought it out even more.

Dr. Zack Jennings
04-07-2003, 7:31 AM
Wood Gloat My brother and a cousin came up to go Turkey Huntin' and brought me 11 boards; random width FAS Pecan that has been stored for 30 years. I'll have to store them until I can build somethin' special. My wood storage unit is filling up so I'm planning another.

Finished My Storage Locker (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1481) , cleaned up the shop and started a second identical cabinet.

The Turkey Hunters killed a Jake on Saturday afternoon 15 minutes after going into the woods. (A Jake is a young Male. This one had a 2" beard). It was cold and raining on Sunday Morning so the hunters did not go after the Gobblers. The Turkeys are here, everywhere. So... the Hunters are coming back at the end of the season. (Ends May 11th)

Ted Shrader
04-07-2003, 9:06 AM
Nary a bit of woodworking - unless you can call pressure washing and treating a deck woodworking - or pruning a bunch of brushes and low limbs on trees. How about replacing the shut off valve on the hot water heater - is that woodworking?


Jim Young
04-07-2003, 9:21 AM
Nutin, absolutely nutin. Friday we had an ice storm, which eventually took out the electricity. Since I have a basement shop (read no natural light.) I wasn't able to do anything woodworking related.

Today, It's snowing. 2-6" expected. Wonderful.

Kevin Post
04-07-2003, 10:02 AM
I went to St. Paul, MN to attend a Woodworking show. I had to drive a couple of hours to get there. In retrospect, I probably should have stayed home and worked.

Jet was to have been there and I was hoping to get a peek at the new JWL-1642 lathe. Jet had a tiny booth with a 6" jointer, Performax 16/32 sander and one of the new dust collectors. I was very disappointed.

While in St. Paul, I visited the folks at Seven Corners Hardware which was just around the corner from the venue where the show was being held. I picked up some blade cleaner and Dricote for my tools.

This was my first time to a woodworking show. I was amazed at the salesmanship of the people demoing products; sort of a cross between PT Barnum and the hosts on Home Shopping Network. The trip wasn't a total waste but I don't think I'd spend the time or money to attend another one. While I was there, I picked up a Kreg pocket hole jig kit for $10 less than it can be found normally. With the package, they threw in a couple extras.


John Miliunas
04-07-2003, 10:50 PM
As planned, cleaned my shop, the "outer shop" lathe area, glued up some vinyl base along the tile floor, cleaned my computer room and installed a new laundry wash tub. In other words, not a whole lot of fun OR real shop time. At least it's clean now and have LOML talked into letting me upgrade my shop vac! Still trying to decide on that one. Hope everyone has a great week! :cool: