View Full Version : Teenager out of retirement

Tony Greenway
09-14-2010, 11:25 PM
For the summer, that is. My 14 yr old son, Max, took a break from my very hot shop to do what kids like to do. (Mostly swimming for him). 161383161384He got back in the shop about 2 weeks ago and started finishing out some roughed pieces. Here is a small cherry burl NE that he has completed. It's 4" across and almost 4" tall.161386161387161388161385

here's a mini bird house that he turned back in the spring161389

and here is Max with Bill Grumbine at last years turning symposium in Helen, Ga. This year Max will be following Bill's footsteps by doing some demo work for Easywood Tools at this years symposium.161390

:DWe are very proud of him.:D

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2010, 11:39 PM
That is just to cool Tony. Tell Max those are some beauties. Really nice turnings.

John Keeton
09-15-2010, 6:31 AM
Tony, would appear to me that young Max Greenway needs to be an SMC member with his own avatar. He is more than ready to join in here! Good work.

David E Keller
09-15-2010, 8:01 AM
Congrats to Max and his proud father!

Steve Schlumpf
09-15-2010, 9:08 AM
WOW - 14 already! Time flies!

Good to hear that Max was able to get out and enjoy his summer! Nothing better than swimming when you're a kid!

Looks like Max has not lost his touch! Nice work on everything! That's pretty cool that he is going to do demos at the next symposium! I am happy for you both!

Paul Douglass
09-15-2010, 10:20 AM
I can't even imagine the stuff he will be turning at 24. Pretty cool.

Allen Neighbors
09-15-2010, 6:04 PM
That's an awesome post!! You'll never regret it, and neither will he!! Good times together with your son... Priceless!
Nice shot of him and Bill, too! Thanks for an uplifting post!!

Tom Sherman
09-15-2010, 9:02 PM
Good on you Tony for giving him the opportunity and good on Max for seizing it those projects looks pretty good to me. Bill must be slipping he is not holding up his traditional 'rabbit ears'.