View Full Version : No Turning

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2010, 9:14 PM
Well haven't had much time to turn lately as we drove down to Richmond, Va to pack up our son and get him moved to Wichita, Ks. It has been a long two weeks but almost to the end. We should be in Wichita tomorrow and then it is unload time. At least it is a ground floor and not the third floor like in VA. Anyway we have been on a pretty tight schedule as he has to be at work at his new job on Monday 9/20. So haven't had time to do much of anything but did get a call into Kenny Rogers errrr.........I mean the famous John Keeton this morning for a quick hello. It was good to talk with him again and hopefully next year when we head east for our nieces graduation in North Carolina we can do some more visiting. Anyway hope everyone is getting some turning time. I won't till probably Oct. 1st.

Cathy Schaewe
09-14-2010, 9:20 PM
Bernie - that's a long time to go without turning! Hopefully you'll make it up this way next year - I'll have more good stuff for you, if you do!

I've always thought Wichita is a nice town - and certainly much closer to you than Richmond!

John Keeton
09-14-2010, 9:38 PM
Bernie, great to hear from you today, but let me tell you - you pass through KY again without stopping, and my feelings will be hurt!!;):D

Gary Conklin
09-14-2010, 10:08 PM
Glad to hear all is well. Where abouts in NC will you be? You are welcome to visit my mess, er shop if in the Ral. area.

Allen Neighbors
09-14-2010, 10:22 PM
Bernie, welcome back!! It'll be good to have you back in the old forum again!! Hurry up and get back to the lathe... you know? you could go into some bad withdrawals.... you probably need a fix, baddddd.....:D

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2010, 11:31 PM
Cathy definitely will be up your way. I am wanting to come up that way to visit and see my old army buddy at least one more time.

John I told my son you wouldn't be happy. We won't miss it again.

Gary my sister lives in Washington, NC. We generally go to Richmond and then down. I need to go over to Bailey and get a load of wood from Mike Smith.

Allen I need a turning fix so bad. My wife says it is pretty bad when she can tell I am having withdrawal.:eek::rolleyes: