View Full Version : ts fence system incra or jointech?

mark kosse
09-14-2010, 2:30 PM
I was all set to buy a incra ls ts system and then I noticed a few here seem to like the jointech better. I personally have never seen either, but the incra system seemed better.

Was it just a better website?

Why may jointech be better. I can never remember to do all parts at once so I need accurate repeatability in a ts fence system.

What say you all?

Thanks, Mark

Jerome Hanby
09-14-2010, 3:37 PM
I've never touched the Jointech, but I've got the Incra Joinery system and their miter gauge. I love the whole system. Only knock I can see is it does eat up some room on the right side of the saw. I bought the setup with the long rails, so that's not an issue for me.

Well, to be honest, it couldn't be an issue for me, I never finished the install on my Craftsman TS. I found an old Unisaw and decided to wait until I had it refurbished. But, the colors sure are pretty, the documentation is excellent, and the materials are finely machined...

Michael Peet
09-14-2010, 5:59 PM
I have the Incra TS-LS on my tablesaw. I love the repeatability and accuracy, but I hate having all that crap on the table. Not sure I would do it again over the stock Biesemeyer clone.


Charles Lent
09-14-2010, 6:26 PM
If precision cuts are what you are looking for and you already have a good fence system, consider putting a digital fence read-out system on it. www.wixey.com makes the one that I have and I'm very pleased with how accurately I can make repeatable cuts, and it's sheaper than an Incra or Jointech fence system.


Gene Howe
09-14-2010, 7:54 PM
Charles makes an excellent point. Unforunately for my wallet, my fence didn't qualify.:mad:
I bought the Jointech Saw Train system and have been very happy. But, I've no experience with the Incra.

ian maybury
09-14-2010, 9:07 PM
Late last year I bought the TS LS fence system for my Hammer panel saw, and a joinery system for router table.

Neither is in use yet (will be commissioning the saw soon once the shop refurb is finished), but both were bought as a result of the consistently excellent feedback everywhere i could find on both systems. I'm sure there will be a learning curve, especially on the joinery system.

The overhang to the rip side is a pity, but luckily i could fit it in.

The post a few days ago is in fact the first negative feedback i've seen, and i found Incra great to work with - they really put the time in as my thinking evolved.
