View Full Version : Bottle stopper six-pack

Alan Zenreich
09-12-2010, 9:08 PM
I'm traveling a bit this week, meeting up with some former team members from work... kind of a first team reunion since a recent reorg.

I've given pendants to most of the ladies, but there are a few people that I haven't seen for a while, so I thought I'd give them bottle stoppers. They all enjoy wine, so I think they'll appreciate these.

Besides, it was an excuse to try a 3/8" Sorby beading tool and a Pinnaclecaptive ring tool. The stopper on the left was my first try at a captured ring.

Wood is redheart and zebrawood. Just playing around with shapes and tools...

I made a quick photo, as they'll have new homes in a few days.

John Keeton
09-12-2010, 9:21 PM
Alan, I sure like that redheart! Will it stay that color?

Nice work on the ring and the bead - new toys are fun!

James Roberts
09-12-2010, 9:21 PM
Nice set of stoppers there, Allen. I need to make a few for gifts, too. A good variety of styles to chose from in this collection.

Alan Zenreich
09-12-2010, 9:33 PM

This is the first time I've worked with redheart. Picked up a small piece at the AAW symposium vendor area. I don't know of it will change color. My photos won't <vbg>

The redheart turned very easily... nice stuff. Fairly modest grain pattern, which is why I fussed with beads, burning, etc on it.. I kept the zebrawood turninh very simple, showing off the grain. Zebrawood is harder to turn cleanly, but finishes up nicely.

David DeCristoforo
09-12-2010, 9:38 PM
Love the captured rings on the RH ones!

Alan Zenreich
09-12-2010, 9:45 PM

Only one is captured, the other is just a nicely formed bead... made with the beading tool.