View Full Version : Meccano Chest now populated

Bryan Nuss
12-15-2004, 3:28 PM
As promised, I have attached photos of my Meccano collection in its new home. There are some 5,000 pieces, not including nuts & bolts. Some pieces date to the 1940's. My father started the collection in about 1954 and I have added to it over the years. It has brought many hours of enjoyment to our family.

Once again, thanks to all of you for your kind comments on the chest.

Louis Bois
12-15-2004, 3:46 PM
How long have you been collecting this stuff?!? I've been trying to amass a small collection for when my son is old enough to play with it, but the cost is prohibitively expensive to say the least!

You've got more than a few thousand invested there...better lock that puppy!
BTW, do you still keep the back door unlocked on weekends?!?:D:D:D

Frank Pellow
12-15-2004, 7:24 PM
That brings back some great memories Bryan.

Once again, congratulations on great design and a great execution of that design.

Chris Padilla
12-15-2004, 7:47 PM
Wow...I had one of those sets as a kid...I *knew* "meccano" sounded familiar for some reason.... Gosh, I wonder if I have that set somewhere...maybe at the folk's house??

Norman Hitt
12-15-2004, 7:53 PM
Fantastic job, Bryan. Even with the excellent execution of the detail required to make it, I'll bet it took even longer to plan and design the unit, but it sure paid off, as is evidenced by the neatness and sppropriate space dedicated to each of the items.

I had a medium sized Erector set that got a Lot of action when I was a kid, but I truly don't remember ever even hearing of a Meccano set until now. If they were more expensive than the Erector sets though, the Merchants in our Small Towns area of Tx probably didn't order any of them, figuring no one there could afford them or would pay the price for them. Where were the Original Meccano sets made?

Chris Padilla
12-15-2004, 8:05 PM
Type meccano into eBay and then sort for the highest price stuff...some neat things on there.

Michael Stafford
12-15-2004, 8:09 PM
What a wonderful family treasure, an heirloom. I hope you have children and grandchildren to enjoy and share this wonderful learning tool with. Congratulations on a wonderfully executed project for the family to enjoy. Be sure to sign and date it Bryan! :)

Byron Trantham
12-15-2004, 8:24 PM
I think the very first line of the very first response says it all........ :D

I am very impressed with the collection AND the organization.

Lou Morrissette
12-15-2004, 9:38 PM
The original post was impressive, Bryan.
To see it totaly in use is amazing. Beautiful job.


John Miliunas
12-15-2004, 10:17 PM
Bryan, the cabinet and the well-organized contents are just super! I can see where it would be a nightmare to try and keep all THOSE parts seperated otherwise! (Envision about a hundred baby-food jars hanging from their lids on nails! :D ) Now, how about some pics of completed Meccano projects? :) :cool:

Jim Dunn
12-15-2004, 11:59 PM
Let's see something you build with all those items:) .

Let me think:rolleyes: I got it how about a space shuttle with launch pad and tracked vehicle to move it and the shuttle house and Houston Control bla bla bal;)