View Full Version : Latest diversions......

Michael James
09-11-2010, 11:58 PM
The maple hollowform and butternut are from the care pkg Cathy had sent me, and for some reason I wanted to use poly for a sealer coat...bad move of course..... longer to take it back down and start over than to make it.
Boxelder pen for a neighbor from Donny's box
Walnut piece is from Joe and the Illinois trip.
Dyed cottonwood - all excited after seeing Jimmy Clewes starting a dye job when he was here.
Black mesquite bowl from Woodcraft.
Nothing spectacular but Im concentrating on the basics and think Im making progress. More comfortable hollowing, and the mini monster ships Monday!:D
Now to build a correct light box and work on the photos....
Have at em as you will.... thanks for checking them out.

David E Keller
09-12-2010, 12:31 AM
Looks like you're having fun, MJ. Nice variety of shapes and woods. I really like the look of the cottonwood piece. Keep 'em comin'.

Leo Van Der Loo
09-12-2010, 12:32 AM
Michael I find the pictures a bit too large, and I think they do look better and sharper if they are a bit smaller, now I do like that Maple HF a lot nice shape and finish, the Walnut and dyed Poplar look good as well, the other pictures are not sharp enough to tell much about them, too bad, hope your light box will help you show your pieces better, one step at the time, well done overall :cool:

John Keeton
09-12-2010, 7:30 AM
Michael, very interesting array of forms, here!! All are done well, but I find the dyed cottonwood particularly attractive. Nice dye work!

The mesquite is interesting as I also bought a piece of the 'black mesquite' from Woodcraft, and it was similarly dark initially, but has lightened considerably over the past week or so. It still has a gray tone to it - so much different from the mequite sent by Jerry Marcantel, which is a beautiful golden brown color.

On the photo thing, try to back up a little to take your shots, and then crop in the image with software. You should get a much sharper image, and better depth of field.

Bernie Weishapl
09-12-2010, 7:42 AM
Really nice pieces Michael. I really like the maple HF and the dyed cottonwood.

Robert McGowen
09-12-2010, 9:10 AM
Very nice array of work, Michael. The hollow form stands out for me.

Cathy Schaewe
09-12-2010, 10:08 AM
Hi - I didn't realize that maple was so nice! It all looks great!

Steve Schlumpf
09-12-2010, 12:30 PM
Nice variety of styles Michael!

Photographing your work is another vortex that is easy to fall into. When you consider that photos are your only way of presenting your work on the internet - then it pays to spend some time figuring out what works best for you and your style of turning!

Have fun with it all and be sure to ask lots of questions!

Michael James
09-12-2010, 1:21 PM
Yes, I'm painfully aware that I need to spend some time there....I am not the photographer in the family, but I do have a nice "hand me down" Canon Rebel XT. I suppose I should just spend the required hours getting familiar with the features. It probably would help If I did it during the day when all 11 brain cells are communicating.:p
I know that if you all (y'all) were not honest with me I would not grow as a turner at the rate I am. I only turned pens until about June. There's just so much to absorb and learn and so little time.
I firmly believe in every atom of every cell of every fiber of my body, that this is the medium I have been searching for artistically all my life.
Thank you Creekers, and especially those of you that have tucked me under your wing!

Allen Neighbors
09-12-2010, 2:34 PM
I think you've done well, Michael... You'll get better as time progresses, but you certainly shouldn't complain about these!
That dyed cottonwood looks so much like Bois d'Arc; it's uncanny! And you've made the pen look well done! And the butternut dish is commendable! It's hard to do butternut without the soft grain sanding away, leaving a rippled surface. Your finishes are all really nice, too. Great job! Thanks for posting!

Paul Douglass
09-12-2010, 2:51 PM
I like them all! Hope I can do as well someday.

William Hutchinson
09-12-2010, 3:07 PM
Good work with all the forms. It's great that you have found turning as your artistic passion. It will be interesting to watch your work progress and your abilities flourish.

James Roberts
09-12-2010, 8:27 PM
Nice collection of turnings, Mike. I'm partial to the hollow form and the cottonwood piece, but they are all very nice.