View Full Version : Needed new chisels

Jim Dunn
12-15-2004, 12:28 AM
You've probably been asked this a thousand + times, but as every-one is asking me for a Christmas list, I said i needed a set of chisels. When asked what kind I was stumped for an answer:eek: .

Thought I would ask "the experts" as, believe it or not, of all the places I've hung out low the past years this site seems to have the most level headed bunch of people I've had the pleasure of reading.

Keep in mind that the more expensive the individual chisel the fewer I feel I could suggest. (What about a set of Marples)

Own some C-man's now but would like to have a little bit better set.

Bob Smalser
12-15-2004, 1:17 AM
What chisels do you have now? What's a "C-man"?

If they are at all decent, it might be wiser to compliment them with parers or firmers that replace them.

Keith Christopher
12-15-2004, 2:11 AM
my guess is cman == craftsman. I would go for two cherries. I like them but in the end it's as personal as the clothes you wear.

Jim Dunn
12-15-2004, 7:19 AM
Bob "Craftsman" seen them called c-man here or there don't remember. Read over on Woodcentral that the Marples don't seem to hold an edge that well? As a neubie to hand tool work (other than feeding myself) just looking for advice.

Not sure Sears offers parers or firmers in there chisel line.

Steve Wargo
12-15-2004, 8:10 AM
Two Cherries and think very highly of them. If I recall correctly, Frank Klausz used the Marples in one of his videos, and I thought they were a decent chisel with the exception of the large awkward handles. I think they held an edge better than the Swiss Made chisels (Pfiels) that Woodcraft sells, and you will have enough left over to fill in the sizes you'll need. As Bob stated a nice set of paring chisels is of great use, but I've got 4 or 5 Two Cherries that I simply put a 35 deg edge on and use those for paring. My $.02

Ed Falis
12-15-2004, 1:42 PM
Another nice option that isn't too expensive is the Hirsch firmer chisel set from Lee Valley.

- Ed

Aaron Kline
12-15-2004, 3:26 PM
how about an old set off ebay. I got a set of four Wards chisels and paid $40

Brian Buckley
12-15-2004, 3:38 PM
MY OPINION ONLY: 1. Lie Nelsen, 2. Barr, 3. Two Cherries, 4. Hirsch, 5. Robert Sorby. I am fortunate enough to have all but the Hirsch. In my opinion the Lie Nelson are hands down the best chisels I have ever used.


Jim Dunn
12-15-2004, 4:02 PM
Well between Bob and Ed's replies I guess my next question should be what kind of a set, not brand but type i.e. firmer/parers/regular? should I be looking at for general purpose.

May, in fact probably will, try my hand at hand cut dovetails. Other than that the only need I can forsee is squaring up corners and such.

As a side note I really appreciate the replys from all of you fellows. I know your time is expensive.

Have a Happy Holiday

Roy Wall
12-15-2004, 6:46 PM
the first "type" of chisel to get would be the standard "Bench" chisels....bevels on sides.....

They can be used for dovetails & chopping out mortises. A set of 4 "blue Marples" can be bought for as little as $25 @ Lowes... They are a decent chisel to learn on. The TC 's and Hirsch may run around $75 for a set of 4, $125 for set of 6......

Jim Dunn
12-15-2004, 7:47 PM
Thanks Roy By the way "Go Chiefs" next year.

Roy Wall
12-16-2004, 12:01 AM
Thanks Roy By the way "Go Chiefs" next year.
:p Boy, did they ever lay an egg!!!.......

Hey, where is Pacific, MO???........I'll look it up on Mapquest. --- OK, St. Louis suburbia........got it!!!

A good set of "bench chisels" will do 90% of all your needs. The LN's are $250 for a set of 5 - (as others have said very good things about them...) but if that's out of reach that's understandable..

Remember, you'll still need a Mallet and sharpening stones/ slow speed grinder, etc....more $$$$:eek:

Jim Dunn
12-16-2004, 12:30 AM
Pacific 35+ miles west of St. Louis not really a burb but close.

Sharpening no problem as I already have "most" everything I need I think.

Kinda hard to ask for really expensive x-mas presents but hey I cam match gift card fro LV.

Jerry Palmer
12-16-2004, 9:15 AM
It is my understanding that the Hirsch and 2 Cherries are made by the same folks at the same factory. Maybe a little extra buffing on the 2 Cherries, but I believe the Hirsch ones are somewhat cheaper.

John Miliunas
12-16-2004, 2:57 PM
Just bought a "6-pack" of the Hirsch from LV. I found the wider ones needed a bit more tuning up in the way of flattening the back and re-establishing the primary bevel. I have the MK II sharpener from LV, so that wasn't a big deal. Once done with that, they are quite nice. As best as everything I could find out on them, they are the same chisels as the 2-Cherries AND the ECE chisels, both of which are substantially higher in $$. The Hirsch were right around $90.00 from LV. I think they do indeed qualify as a "best buy". Just the HO from a wannabe Neander.... :) :cool:

Peter Gavin
12-16-2004, 3:37 PM

THe first step is acceptance that you have a problem. And now that you have admitted that you are a 'wanna be neander' we will intervene and remove all those pesky power tools that are tempting you. I think I know a perfect place for them.


Jim Dunn
12-16-2004, 7:28 PM
If I keep making noise late at night my SWMBO has a perfect place for them too, Although one at a time!

On a more serious note again thanks for the help on chosing chisels.
Next on the agenda are planes. Wait till she sees the price of those things :')