View Full Version : Question for the luthiers

John Coloccia
09-09-2010, 7:15 PM
How many strips of binding can you handle at one time....WITHOUT pre-laminating them? I just pushed myself tonight. I did one thick binding with 5 thin purfling sitting on a stepped ledge. What a PITA! I just got lazy and didn't have any laminated binding laying around...normally it would have been 1 thick, and then a strip of B-W-B and another of W-B. Those extra 2 strips, plus how incredibly floppy they are when they're separate, make all the difference in the world apparently!

We'll see how it looks tomorrow after I scrape it. I maybe cutting it off and redoing it :eek:

Chris Padilla
09-10-2010, 11:23 AM
free bump :)

John Coloccia
09-10-2010, 11:30 AM
free bump :)

I ended up chopping it off and switching to a wooden binding. I much prefer wood anyhow, and rarely use plastic but I wanted to take a new binding cutter for a spin doing a ledge. It didn't do a bad job, but it didn't do a great job either. Maybe I'll just go back to chopping them by hand.

george wilson
09-10-2010, 3:38 PM
I can glue 3 or 4 layers on at once. That's about all I ever use normally. My bwb,or wbw is usually pre glued up. I did get a sheet of ultra high molecular weight plastic. I routed grooves to match guitars around it. This jig would enable me to pre glue assemblies of bindings that can be transferred to the guitar with more ease. Nothing sticks to uhmw plastic.

I haven't gotten around to using it yet.