View Full Version : 2 part epoxy clear coats?

Doug Carpenter
09-09-2010, 8:33 AM
I need an education on 2 part epoxy clear coats.

I need to know everthing; from products to which spray systems work for it.

I will be doing gunstocks.

I imagine I'll need a decent booth for something like this.

Can anyone help?

Thanks, Doug

Scott Holmes
09-09-2010, 7:42 PM
You plan to spray epoxy?

It is very thick, so you will need a high powered sprayer. It also reacts with or without oxygen, so it will cure IN your sprayer too. Clean up could be a real nightmare.

Are you sure you want to spray?

Doug Carpenter
09-09-2010, 7:57 PM
Well, no. I am not sure. It sounded to me like it is sprayed. Do you know of another option. It would be great if I didn't have to spray.

Truth be told.....that is how little I know about it.

I was told by a prospective cleint that I would need to do a 2 part epoxy coat if I wanted do do work for them. He mentioned that I would need good ventilation because it is really bad for your lungs.

This doesn't sound like a hvlp situation.

Scott Holmes
09-09-2010, 9:51 PM
Most 2 part epoxy systems are designed to be poured onto a level surface like a bar top or table top. I'm sure you've seen them.

He may be talking about a 2 part urethane finish or a conversion varnish. Best to check with someone that knows gun stock finishing, I do not.

Henry Ambrose
09-10-2010, 1:33 AM

If you breath the spray it will certainly damage your lungs and may very well kill you. Do not spray epoxy even if you think you have the right protective gear, because you don't.

You could coat stocks with epoxy by setting up a rotisserie arrangement that turns the stock continuously until it cures.

Rich Engelhardt
09-10-2010, 6:32 AM
I suggest stopping by a Sherwin Williams store and asking.
(I just checked the products and SW has a full line of epoxy and probably has a store local to where you are.)
Preferably, on a week day during the day & not on a weekend or in the evening.
You stand a better chance of being able to talk to someone that knows the commercial & light industrial product lines better during those times.

It's going to be costly though...both for the equipment and for the product.

IIRC, Weatherby uses an epoxy finish on thier rifles. I know they did at one time.

Most 2 part epoxy systems are designed to be poured onto a level surface like a bar top or table top. I'm sure you've seen them.

No - most 2 part epoxy systems are designed to be sprayed or rolled.
Most craft oriented 2 part systems are what you're thinking of.

There's probably twice as much coal tar epoxy applied to the inside of your local water storage tower alone than the combined total sales of craft epoxy for the last two years!

Conrad Fiore
09-10-2010, 9:13 AM
You are looking for a 2K Urethane automotive clear or something like DuPont Imron clear. I know a ton of guys with high end guns that have had those types of clear coat used on their shotguns.
For the spray booth and spray gun requirements, you will have to get that info from a professional source.

Doug Carpenter
09-10-2010, 9:30 AM
Thanks, for the info.