View Full Version : Shameless imposter.

gary Zimmel
09-06-2010, 3:17 PM
I see a ton of unbelievable pieces on the Creek weekly. But the hollow forms with finials really get my attention.
The past week I have been coached a lot by John K. on turning a finial. Each night I would turn one and send John a pic. He would critique it and I would give her a go the next night and send him another pic.
Not having the tools to do any hollowing I had to make a "fake hollow form", but I needed a place to stand my finial...
So here is my first imposter HF.
Walnut and a little birds eye maple.




After the first night I was hooked..
John suggested I phone Randy P. and get a monster hollowing rig. So in 5 weeks I will be able to do a "real HF". There really is no end to the vortex...

Thanks again John!


David E Keller
09-06-2010, 3:30 PM
That's great, Gary. I love the details on the finial, and it looks really good with your mock HF. I find there is something mind numbing about finials that I really enjoy. Congrats on the monster order as well.

Allen Neighbors
09-06-2010, 3:38 PM
That's an awesome finial, Gary. John K. has an enviable eye! Keep going, and you'll have one also!!
I'm looking forward to seeing the real hollowform in that form!! It'll surely be a keeper!!

John Keeton
09-06-2010, 4:47 PM
Gary, fantastic progress!! I really like this one - a lot!! May have to copy it!:D You are falling down the slide fast.

Baxter Smith
09-06-2010, 4:56 PM
That looks great! Love the two woods together as well!

Scott Hackler
09-06-2010, 5:02 PM
Looks good. I really like the treatment at the very top of your finial.

Tom Sherman
09-06-2010, 5:31 PM
Gary if you are going to turn like this you need to use a more technical term,
a Faux HollowForm is more like it.

charlie knighton
09-06-2010, 5:56 PM
very nice, Gary

one step at a time, the curve is unending but has many paths

i may take your idea of sending pictures for critque to our new club,
Southside Woodturners

Robert McGowen
09-06-2010, 7:43 PM
Master Po and Master Keeton think you have succeeded, young Grasshopper ............

(if you don't get the Grasshopper reference, you are too young for me to care that you do not get the reference! :))

David Christopher
09-06-2010, 7:49 PM
Gary, thats a very nice imposter, and a beautiful finial

James Roberts
09-06-2010, 7:54 PM
Now you have to try one on a steek.:D

Ken Glass
09-06-2010, 8:11 PM
Wow, and being your first finial? I'm impressed. It has it all. Proportion, shape, length and scale are all on the money. You should be very happy with this. Well done. It sets well on the Faux HF too.

Steve Schlumpf
09-06-2010, 9:21 PM
Gary - your finial looks great! Very nice design and really clean detail work! I am sorry to tell you this - but hollowing that particular style of HF will be more challenging than your finial! Have fun with it!

Congrats on ordering your new Monster! You will love it!

Jeff Nicol
09-06-2010, 9:34 PM
Gary, You have figured out the mysteries of the finial in a short period of time. It is a very nice shape with great form and the balance is great. The monster rig will be a great addition to your tool collection. I have all the materials to make myself some hollowing rigs, but I need some time to get to them.

Keep up the good work and show us the finished HF when you get the mew hollower.


Bernie Weishapl
09-06-2010, 10:22 PM
That is a great looking finial. Woods look great together.

Jim Underwood
09-06-2010, 10:34 PM
With skills to turn a gorgeous finial like that, you must not use the wrong term for your temporary base. You must use the proper term, "maquette". :D

William Hutchinson
09-06-2010, 10:47 PM
Excellent finial turning, your mentor guided you well.

Michael James
09-06-2010, 10:57 PM
Hollow or not, I like that. I have the mini rig on order and learning how to wade through these forms by hand. Steve is right, that short of a piece looks like all shoulder, and for some reason that is never as easy as it looks.
You have a fine coach for the task - keep em coming!

gary Zimmel
09-07-2010, 11:08 PM
Thanks for all the comments.
And yes Robert the "grasshopper is learning"... The great thing about the Creek is everyone will go out of there way to help another Creeker out. Lots of masters here.
As I wait for my present from Randy P. all I can do is make a few more "faux forms" with those little sticks on the top...

Rob Cunningham
09-08-2010, 1:00 PM
Great looking finial Gary, nice crisp details. Hopefully you'll be able to turn your "fake" HF's into real ones in a few weeks:)

Jim Burr
09-08-2010, 1:29 PM
I can't even make a real hollow form so a faux one is golden;)! Great finial work!!:cool: