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View Full Version : I Can't Get Rid of the Fill in this .cdr file

Ric Taylor
09-05-2010, 9:29 PM
Hi all, I hope someone can help.

I'm using Corel Draw X4. On the attached file, I'm trying to un-fill everything except the girl's hair. There are three letters (objects) that will not un-fill. I have also tried to fill them with white, but they remain stubborn. The object properties docker says the objects have no fill, but that orange color remains.

I've tried everything I know of, multiple times. Am I doing something wrong?



Tom Bull
09-05-2010, 9:41 PM
Ungroup all, grab the letter, pull it aside. The red will remain. Click, delete, put the letter back and do the same to the other two.

Mike Christen
09-05-2010, 9:46 PM
Hi Ric

There are two identical pieces in the fills, if you hold the alt key and click it you will see the other item. let me know and i can remove and post it for you.


Mike Lassiter
09-06-2010, 9:48 AM
Out of curiosity I looked at the file, and all I did was to click the expand button and scroll down the list of objects to find 3 that had red fill. I left clicked on the no fill button and the red fill disappeared. I don't understand why you couldn't remove it. There was no double fill there, although I have saw that before, and on different layers especially that can cause problems trying to figure out why something seems wrong when it isn't really.

Sometimes I have strange things go on with Corel when the program doesn't act like it should. I have learned to save the file and close Corel and restart it, when that happens.

Milazim Zeka
09-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Hi Ric
Maybe that is what You need

Ric Taylor
09-06-2010, 2:09 PM
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the tip, I'll try that. You can probably tell that I'm new to Corel, but I'm trying to learn.


Ric Taylor
09-06-2010, 2:11 PM
Thanks Mike, I'll experiment with that.


Ric Taylor
09-06-2010, 2:13 PM
Thank you Mike, that information is very helpful to me. I will try to duplicate what you said so that I can learn.


Ric Taylor
09-06-2010, 2:15 PM
Hi Milazim,

That is exactly what I am trying to achieve, many thanks for your efforts.

I will still try to do the suggestions of the others above, so that I can learn more about Corel. Thanks to everyone for the great help.
