View Full Version : Help! I'm boxed in!

Tom Hamilton
09-04-2010, 5:36 PM
Well, not really but I'm on the trail of table decorations for the church ladies Christmas dinner. 40 tables of eight, all elegantly decorated differently by the table host. Sharon asked if I could make eight covered boxes for her table.

Well, I don't know. Let's see. I cut some blanks and began the process:


I've finished several as you can see. My blanks are 3 inch diameter and 5-6 tall. I'm getting the feel for the process but I need some inspiration.


If you've got a favorite covered box shape how about posting it here get help get the juices flowing.

I'm also attempting my first finials. Not even closed to the slim, elegant work I see out of Kentucky (and other places) but it's a start.


This one, points up seems a little heavy, this one, points down, OK, but not in the oak.


So, if you've got boxes and finials you really like please feel free to coach me with some pics here.

Many thanks, Tom, in D'Ville, off on a new turning adventure.

William Hutchinson
09-04-2010, 6:04 PM
I can't coach you on boxes, however I will say that if your wife lets you keep the shop two steps from the living-room, then you best keep that angel happy.

John Keeton
09-04-2010, 8:06 PM
Tom, I have never turned a box - or, at least what I would consider a box. Looks like you have a good start, though. Most of the ones you have show sharp angles, and you might want to mix in a few more rounded lids, round knobs on top, etc., just for variety.

I did an advanced Google search of SMC for turned boxes and got several hits. You may want to look at some of those threads for some previous postings.

Baxter Smith
09-04-2010, 8:43 PM
Nice looking boxes!

Steve Schlumpf
09-05-2010, 12:15 AM
Nice variety of boxes! Like John mentioned - you can do a Google search here for boxes and find quite a few. More importantly - ask your wife what she likes most on those already turned - then go from there!

Tom Hamilton
11-20-2010, 2:09 PM
Well, the great ladies dinner was last night. Festive, good food, inspiring speaker and 40 tables decorated to the hilt.

Here's a pic of Sharon's table with the table favor boxes I asked about back in September.


The ladies were most grateful for the box, or maybe it was the Godiva chocolate inside, who knows. I think they also really like it that the men serve as the wait staff for this event.

Thanks for all you suggestions and coaching,

Best regards, Tom, in Douglasville, already hearing ideas about next years table gifts.

David E Keller
11-20-2010, 3:59 PM
That's quite a table setting, Tom. The boxes look great, and I'm sure they were appreciated. I may be wrong, but I think I spy a few other turned items on the table as well.

Steve Schlumpf
11-20-2010, 4:06 PM
Wow - pretty elaborate setting! Happy to hear that your boxes were a big hit!

Bernie Weishapl
11-20-2010, 7:12 PM
Now that is a table setting. Glad to hear all went well.