View Full Version : Query about number of photos

Steve Trauthwein
09-04-2010, 8:04 AM
In light of the request for a series of photos, I am curious as to the protocol for the number of photos that can be posted. I have a series of photos of a lidded bowl from log to finish piece that entails 21 pictures. Can this be done?

Regards, Steve

John Keeton
09-04-2010, 8:10 AM
Steve, the limit is 5 per post. Just post the first 5, then do reply posts to post the additional - adding 5 per reply post.

Steve Trauthwein
09-04-2010, 8:11 AM
Thanks John,

If everyone will hold off viewing until I get them posted they will be in order. I am not that nimble fingered on the key board anymore.

Regards, Steve

Mike Spanbauer
09-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Steve, the trick is to just reply to yourself several times and have post placeholders. You can always go back and edit the message to include pics and text later. just remember the 10 character limit requirement.

G"luck and looking forward to them :)


Steve Schlumpf
09-04-2010, 10:50 AM
Looking forward to seeing the photo series!