View Full Version : Little bowl attempt

Jim Burr
09-03-2010, 10:55 AM
Given the level of quality you guys put out, I hesitate to post, but this one came out ok. 9x3 Silver maple with a turquoise inlay in the rim and a recessed foot. Don't know why, but I really like recessed feet. Antique oil x4 and Arm-r-seal finish.
Any suggestions are usually put to use! :D

Jim Silva
09-03-2010, 11:16 AM
I'm a big fan of recessed feet also. (Must be a "Jim" thing):D
I've never tried the turquoise or other inlay material. Inlace?
How is it to work with?


Steve Schlumpf
09-03-2010, 12:04 PM
Good looking bowl! Really like the color that the turquoise brings to the piece! Nice work!

Jim Burr
09-03-2010, 12:10 PM
It's crushed up turquoise from CSUSA. I used a 3/16" parting tool for the groove, a carved out 7mm pen tube with a shovel point and thin CA. Remount and knock it down with some 50 grit and finish with a scraper and polish...viola!!

Scott Hackler
09-03-2010, 12:13 PM

I really like this bowl and the detail of the rim really helps to draw attension to the inlay. Very nice, indeed!

Dennis Ford
09-03-2010, 12:27 PM
I would not call that an "attempt", I would call it a success.

bob svoboda
09-03-2010, 1:08 PM
Very nice bowl. I wouldn't hesitate a bit in posting something that nice. Thanks for sharing.

Tony De Masi
09-03-2010, 1:14 PM
Real nice work Jim. I like the stepped rim detail too. Now that you've broken the ice don't hesitate to post more of your work.


Michael James
09-03-2010, 2:42 PM
I certainly would be proud to call that my bowl. We're going to learn faster if we take the risk to put our stuff out there. Nice job, good looking bowl. From NM, I of course am a sucker for turquoise... and a nice shade at that!

David DeCristoforo
09-03-2010, 2:45 PM
Well, AFAIC, that's a very lice "attempt". The inlay is very "clean" and adds that "extra something" to what would otherwise still be a very nice bowl.

Scott Hackler
09-03-2010, 2:49 PM
That's the thing. I wish more creekers would post pictures, but I think some are intimidated by the level of some of the posted work. Eveyone starts somewhere and without criticism, how could we improve. I myself have noticed improvement in my own pieces just from letting others see them and tell me their impressions.

David E Keller
09-03-2010, 2:55 PM
Nicely done, Jim. The curve looks nice, and the turquoise adds a nice touch of color.

James Roberts
09-04-2010, 12:00 AM
Nothing wrong with that one Jim. Really like the turquoise inlay and the rim treatment.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-04-2010, 9:26 AM
That's the thing. I wish more creekers would post pictures, but I think some are intimidated by the level of some of the posted work. Evey one starts somewhere and without criticism, how could we improve. I myself have noticed improvement in my own pieces just from letting others see them and tell me their impressions. Jim, I was getting ready to post after reading your hesitation and Scott here, said what I know many feel. When I first came here I posted some pretty ugly and poor quality stuff and the guys were kind, but helped me a lot when I needed it. Most of us want honesty not fluff and that is why we came up with the Critique guidelines that are a permanent post now. To everyone out there...PLEASE DO NOT BE HESITANT TO SHOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!! We want to see it and it helps us learn as well. Now Jim, to your bowl. I think you hit a home run and I'm glad you showed it. I love the rim treatment. Keep up the good work.:)

Bernie Weishapl
09-04-2010, 9:30 AM
That is a great bowl Jim. The inlay really sets that bowl off. Well done.