View Full Version : Merry Christmas to me! (gloat)

Randy Cox
12-13-2004, 3:54 PM
but it's with a pic. So I guess that makes it better. Went to Sears parts store the other day to get a switch for the dryer. When I pulled into the parking lot they had a small tent set up outside. Walked over to see what was going on and before I could get away, this jumped into the truck. Yeah, I know its Craftsman but get this. IT WAS MARKED $105.00 !!! :eek: I asked the clerk if that was correct and if it was all there. He said yes and it still had the warrenty. SCORE!!! It did have one small piece broken when I got it home but ordered the part online and had it within 2 days. Part cost $2.99 and 4 bucks to ship (go figure).

Jim Fancher
12-13-2004, 3:57 PM
I do believe you just scored a major deal. :D Congrats!

Mike Tempel
12-13-2004, 9:32 PM
C'man or not, that is a deal!!!

Ted Shrader
12-13-2004, 9:44 PM
Randy -

Nice score! You might even be able to live with that one. :) Good thing you parked close enough so it could jump on in the truck. :)


Jerry Olexa
12-13-2004, 11:24 PM
Funny how those things jump in our truck. It happens to me all the time. Enjoy it. That is quite a deal!!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-14-2004, 8:44 AM
Randy....at that price that's a major score! At a $105 a guy can take a chance! Congrats!