View Full Version : Too Tall... AKA Bowl on a Stick

David DeCristoforo
08-31-2010, 9:08 PM
Oops... I mean "steek"... sorry. Or is that "holder upper"? Anyway, it's maple burl from a small cap. Dyed yellow inside. Minimal finish (wax only) on the outside. Steek is black dyed walnut.




Jon Lanier
08-31-2010, 9:14 PM
I don't think it's too tall. I think it looks great!!! I am amazed that steek is so thin and not breaking over.

David DeCristoforo
08-31-2010, 9:17 PM
"I don't think it's too tall...."

I don't think so either. You must not have ever been in the military. Otherwise you would know that "too tall" is a nickname given to anyone over five foot six!

James Combs
08-31-2010, 9:24 PM
Really nice bowl and pedestal (aka steek) David, what are the dimensions?

Tom Sherman
08-31-2010, 9:26 PM
David you have done yourself proud with this one. One exceptional bowl, and you 'holderupper STEEK' is awesome.

Scott Hackler
08-31-2010, 9:27 PM
Looks very nice to me. :)

patrick michael stein
08-31-2010, 9:39 PM

very nice looks like a flower.


David E Keller
08-31-2010, 9:55 PM
Nicely done, David. The steeck is very graceful, and the wood is beautiful.

I think I might like to see an all-or-none with the dye, but I appreciate the idea... It takes a lot of nerve to put yella on a purdy piece of burl like that.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
08-31-2010, 9:57 PM

You sure are catching on quick! Nicely done.....very delicate ...intriguing

John Keeton
08-31-2010, 10:02 PM
David, I REALLY like this piece!! Extremely well done, and while I am not at all sure about the inside yellow, that doesn't take away from the fact that you have done a superb job with this one. Color is just a matter of personal taste, and has little to do with the skill level required to do work like this. Well done!!

Roger Chandler
08-31-2010, 10:28 PM
Look out Kenny K.! :D

David, this is an exquisite piece of work. While we all acknowledge there is not competition with another turner, your work as of late is really excelling. I don't have any time frame from earlier to compare anything with, as I have only been on this forum a short time.

I will say that IMHO, this one really has the WOW factor about it, and could easily be the cover on WOW [at least if I were voting]

Great form on the body, and the natural edge is stunning.........the pedestal is one of the finest I have witnessed.......very elegant and yet enough to carry the weight of the body without too much bulk. Truly a great work here, David! :)

Additional: By the way David, I like the yellow on the maple burl top!

David DeCristoforo
08-31-2010, 10:40 PM
"...what are the dimensions..."

It's five inches across the top of the "bowl" and ten inches tall.
As to the yellow... I was thinking "sunflower". I realize this is not going to be appealing to everyone but that's how I saw it.

BTW, the walls of the "bowl" are about an eighth of an inch thick but it flares out at the rim because I wanted to keep more "prickly stuff" at the top.

Steve Schlumpf
08-31-2010, 10:50 PM
Nice.... very nice! Good proportions. Really like your detail work on the pedestal! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
08-31-2010, 11:04 PM
Really nice piece David. I really like the form you have there.

Ken Glass
08-31-2010, 11:12 PM
This is a great looking piece. Not at all too tall, and all the proportions seem spot on to me. The contrast draws to the Burl Cap and you chose well on the color you used. Well Done.

Michael James
08-31-2010, 11:59 PM
That is just awesome. Not so sure about the 2 tone burl...but what do I know>
The tooling on yer "stieek" is unbelievable. Do NOT leave that piece near an open window though..... I think you're ready to get with some of Leo V.'s micro tools and start turing finials and pedastels out of match sticks.
Very impressive, and somehow each recent piece is just a little more refined.
Thanks for posting............

gary Zimmel
09-01-2010, 12:01 AM
Sweet pod on a stick.... or twig because it's so thin...
Beautiful job on this one David.

brian watts
09-01-2010, 4:31 AM
wow.. i like it for sure..

William Hutchinson
09-01-2010, 5:07 AM
Great looking piece, nice work.

John Hart
09-01-2010, 6:18 AM
Another beautiful piece David. I still have yet to finish up my maple burl....no pedestal yet. But this gives me a nice idea of what direction to go.

You certainly have a good eye for elegance....and it extends to your hands!!:)

Nicely done.

Michelle Rich
09-01-2010, 7:08 AM
really quite amazing that the pedestal holds that up..wow! how the heck did you turn it & not break it? It maybe the skinniest holder upper with the widest "flower "I have ever seen. I like the detail on the pedestal right under the flower..it keeps the flower from appearing tooo wide. ZOWIE

Mike Stephens
09-01-2010, 8:25 AM
Love it. Great form, beautiful delicate graceful steek.

Kurt Barker
09-01-2010, 10:17 AM
Beautiful! I think this is my new favorite!


Rob Cunningham
09-01-2010, 12:31 PM
Beautiful work David. I like how you left the rim thicker to show off the natural edge. Nice job on the delicate "holder upper"

David DeCristoforo
09-01-2010, 12:42 PM
Thanx for all the comments. It'e really nice to not have to work in a vacuum and to have people to interact with. I have pretty much worked alone for most of my life even though I did, from time to time, have employees and my son worked with me. This "new" direction would feel pretty solitary without a forum like this.

Mark Cothren
09-01-2010, 1:52 PM
Very nice - very elegant! I may be the lone dissenter on the question of height, but I think my eyeballs might like it even better if it were a bit shorter. But that's about the same as me saying I like a one hundred dollar bill better than I like two fifties...:)

David DeCristoforo
09-01-2010, 6:07 PM
"...that's about the same as me saying I like a one hundred dollar bill better than I like two fifties..."

Well two fifties can look better in your wallet if you're careful...

Faust M. Ruggiero
09-01-2010, 7:10 PM
What to they say when the gymnasts make a perfect landing?? "They stuck that one". You stuck that steek. Great turning, it even makes you think "flower".

David DeCristoforo
09-02-2010, 11:11 PM
"What do they say when the gymnasts make a perfect landing??"

You know you're a gymnast when you shout "stick" instead of saying hi. Maybe that goes for wood turners too?