View Full Version : New shop window coverings

Jonathan Spool
08-31-2010, 6:07 PM
I am moving my shop from the basement to a ground floor level facility. I haven't moved in yet as the floor and interior walls still require installation, but I am wondering at this stage how to deal with window coverings. I never had windows in my shop before! I love the light they bring in, but don't want nosy passerbyers looking in either. I have considered blinds, rolling shades, and translucent contact paper stick ons.

I would be interested to hear from other woodworkers how they deal with window coverings in a woodshop.

John alder
08-31-2010, 6:17 PM
Advertise your projects if you want to sell them.Y not John

Jim Beachler
08-31-2010, 6:18 PM
I use vertical blinds in my shop for the windows. Dust does not settle onto the plastic slats. I can open them for a little light or a lot of light depending upon how much you open them up.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-31-2010, 6:29 PM
I use standard horizontal blinds in mine.

Jim O'Dell
08-31-2010, 7:28 PM
Anybody have the links to Chris Padilla's shop curtains? :D:D They were highly stylish! Jim.

Chuck Schultz
09-01-2010, 9:42 AM
I frosted the three windows in my shop. I bought a can of the aerosol window frost from the Depot. Still lets in lots of light, but you can't see through them.

Jim Becker
09-01-2010, 9:25 PM
I use simple, cheap white roller shades...

David Christopher
09-01-2010, 9:30 PM
normally I dont have anything over the windows, but it has been super hot this summer, so I put that 2" styrofoam in to cut down on the heat

Jonathan Spool
09-04-2010, 12:49 PM
I'm not familiar with the spray on window frost you used. If you change your mind later, how do you remove it?

Roger Newby
09-04-2010, 1:13 PM
My shop is in the back yard so I don't have a problem with sight seers but I did put solar film on the east windows to cut down the glare from the morning sun.

Dave Anderson NH
09-05-2010, 7:35 AM
My shop is in my basement and the house is a split entry gambrel. As a result I have 2 double hung windows next to each other on both sides of the basement and a single window on one side wall on the downhill side of the house. The frond windows face due south and it is easy to look in them from ground level.

My solution was white opaque roller shades for both privacy and to reflect the hot summer sun. Inside of that are curtains, a birthday present from SWMBO. Since the windows face south, the winter often sees me with the shade up and the curtains closed to filter the sunlight. Bright sun reflecting off the snow whith no leaves on the trees can cause glare and at times the shop actually becomes too bright.