View Full Version : Turned on DC and heard a THUNK!

Mike Cruz
08-29-2010, 12:28 PM
Ok, so this can't be good, right? The short story, I turned on the DC and heard a bid THUNK! I figured out which of the two bags it was in because the chute going to one of the bags had a ding in it...from the inside. :eek: I opened the bag, and sure enough, there staring right at me was what looks to be some sort of washer/spacer! Nope, didn't hear anything rattling down any of the pipes (not this time at least :rolleyes:). It was right at start up. Now, I ran it yesterday and the day before without incident... Well, that leads me to the longer part of the story.

When Tony, another Creeker came over on Friday to help me cut up some logs for turning, I had fired up the DC to cut some blanks. The impelllor was obviously hitting the metal encasing, and was getting progressively worse. So, I just turned it off and left it. Yesterday, I disconnected my piping, and took off the adapter/nipple thingy that you connect your pipe to on the DC. Sure enough, the bolt that holds the impellor to the shaft of the motor came loose and the impellor was slowly working its way off the shaft. I tapped it back on and tightened the bolt. Ran like a charm. Ran it for about 5 minutes or so, without a probem. Then, about an hour ago...this thunk.

Anyone have any idea where this may have come from? I have a Grizzly 3hp , the G1030. The washer is 1 1/2" in diameter, is a good 1/8" thick but actually sits 1/4" tall (with the curve). I have a Delta DJ-20 jointer and a Delta Uni. I'm mentioning it in case anyone thinks it is more likely that it somehow came off one of those...

First pick is of the top and second is flipped over.

Dan Friedrichs
08-29-2010, 12:34 PM
On mine, there's a washer that looks like that that goes between the bolt and the impeller.

glenn bradley
08-29-2010, 1:13 PM
+1 on impeller washer. Put it back ;-)

Mike Cruz
08-29-2010, 1:48 PM
Oh, yeah? Then what is this screw for, huh?

Guess what a little further searching in that same bag produced...:o

Thanks, guys...

Glenn Vaughn
08-29-2010, 2:17 PM
Go to http://cdn2.grizzly.com/partslists/g1030_pl.pdf look at parts #8 and #6.

Grizzly is great about manuals etc.

Bob Wingard
08-29-2010, 3:39 PM
LOCTITE is your friend.

Tony De Masi
08-29-2010, 3:41 PM
Glad you got some good leads on the fix Mike. That sure was an ugly sound coming from it the other day.


Mike Cruz
08-29-2010, 4:29 PM
It is already back together.

Yeah, Tony, that was ugly wasn't it? I wonder why it would have loosened up on me... When I got this thing (used) it looked pracically brand new, even though it was a few years old. The bags hadn't even been broken in yet and there was no dust on it from use, just a little from sitting. Maybe the original owner took the impellor off for some reason and didn't tighten it back on well enough. Anyway, it's back together. Thanks for the help.

Oh, and Glenn V., as soon as Dan and Glenn B. said that it was from the impeller, I looked up the parts list on the G1030 on their site and found out what "other" part I was missing. That is how I knew to look for the screw. Luckily I found it. Otherwise, I would have had to order it. I don't think I was going to find a LH thread screw to replace it locally.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-29-2010, 4:32 PM

I had a malformed nut holding one of the wheels on my grinder. It had a left handed thread. I was shocked to find a replacement at a local Ace Hardware.

Mike Cruz
08-29-2010, 4:33 PM
Oh, and Tony, doesn't that figure? You know someone is coming over for the first time. So, you straighten up the shop, you do a quick clean, and hope it looks impressive... THEN, you fire up the DC and clang, clang, clang! :eek: :o

Mike Cruz
08-29-2010, 6:42 PM
Funny you should say that, Ken. I've found more hardware at ACE than at any HD or Lowes. Unfortunately, my local ACE had a fire about 4 months or so ago, and hasn't reopened yet.

When I got that 6" Delta jointer that was a couple years old, but hadn't been put together yet and didn't have any of the hardware, I went to ace with my list (from the owner's manual parts list) and got EVERYTHING I needed...exactly like what the specs were. NO WAY I would have found them at HD or Lowes.

Jeff Gunter
08-29-2010, 7:02 PM
I have a 1029 (late 90's vintage). My impeller came loose after less than 2 hrs of use -- bang clank clank clank. Found all the parts; hunted up the tube of loctite, reassembled. No problems since.

Ditto for what others have said w.r.t. Ace having a better selection than home improvement centers. Not all Ace stores are equivalent -- I have three within 20 minutes -- one of them is (IMO) not very useful. Alternately if you have Fastenal in your area; they can probably get the screws you want/need but they don't have weekend hours.

Matt Armstrong
08-30-2010, 1:50 AM
Funny you should say that, Ken. I've found more hardware at ACE than at any HD or Lowes. Unfortunately, my local ACE had a fire about 4 months or so ago, and hasn't reopened yet.

When I got that 6" Delta jointer that was a couple years old, but hadn't been put together yet and didn't have any of the hardware, I went to ace with my list (from the owner's manual parts list) and got EVERYTHING I needed...exactly like what the specs were. NO WAY I would have found them at HD or Lowes.

Ace is Ace "Hardware" - it's a "hardware" store, unlike home depot or lowes. Here in the bay area, we have "orchard supply hardware" which has gone to crown bolt, which sort of sucks.