View Full Version : Bandsaw??? New Grizz vs. used Laguna.

John Beaver
08-29-2010, 12:00 AM
I have been planning on buying the Grizzly G0636x bandsaw. New they are $1995 plus shipping.

There is a used (2005) Laguna 16HD for sale in my area for $2000 with 2 Resaw King blades and mobile base.

Which would you get. Is this a good price for the Laguna ?

Thanks for your responses.

Andy Sowers
08-29-2010, 2:04 AM
I recently purchased a Laguna 16 (NON-HD) off CL which was about the same age as the saw you're looking at. It was in really good shape, came with the mobility package and a resaw king. I paid $1200 for it.

So far, I'm really liking it.