View Full Version : Organ Restore

Bernie Weishapl
08-28-2010, 10:39 PM
Well haven't gotten much turning done as we have been on the road quite a bit since grandson is only 4 1/2 hrs away now and grandma retired. Imagine that. Anyway my sister with a little help from me is restoring a old bellows type organ from Germany. Beautiful organ and she needed a piece turned that holds the oil lamp or candle holder. One was missing from the right side. So I took the one she had and made a new one. It is oak stain with Dark Walnut with varnish as a finish to match the old finish. Nothing great but was fun to get back to the shop and reproduce a piece. Oh and she gave me a chair to fix that had fallen off the pickup. It broke both back legs and split the seat. I got the legs cut, sand and put together. The seat was repaired with biscuits and the chair was sand then stain with walnut. It will get a lacquer finish. I know it is not turning but fun none the less.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-28-2010, 11:17 PM
Nice projects Bernie!

James Combs
08-28-2010, 11:31 PM
Well haven't gotten much turning done as we have been on the road quite a bit since grandson is only 4 1/2 hrs away now and grandma retired. Imagine that. Anyway my sister with a little help from me is restoring a old bellows type organ from Germany. Beautiful organ and she needed a piece turned that holds the oil lamp or candle holder. One was missing from the right side. So I took the one she had and made a new one. It is oak stain with Dark Walnut with varnish as a finish to match the old finish. Nothing great but was fun to get back to the shop and reproduce a piece. Oh and she gave me a chair to fix that had fallen off the pickup. It broke both back legs and split the seat. I got the legs cut, sand and put together. The seat was repaired with biscuits and the chair was sand then stain with walnut. It will get a lacquer finish. I know it is not turning but fun none the less.

Been there, done that Bernie. I had a similar repair project last fall. Seems this older fella was taking his older sister's rocking chair across town and it fell out of the back of his truck and promptly became broken wood. I had to replace one leg, six spindles in the back, and re-glue all the joints.

Steve Schlumpf
08-29-2010, 12:10 AM
Nice work Bernie! Had a few of those chair repairs myself! Looks like the chair is going to survive!

John Hart
08-29-2010, 7:08 AM
Bernie...Retirement was supposed to be a life filled with turning...Yer just gonna hafta reschedule.:)

Cool project!!

Pete Jordan
08-29-2010, 7:25 AM
Looks good Bernie!

Got a picture of the organ?

John Keeton
08-29-2010, 7:32 AM
Nice work on the replacement piece, Bernie! Looks like the chair matches the organ, was it used with it? Nice repair work - one would never know.

Ken Glass
08-29-2010, 8:45 AM
Your sister is fortunate to have such a talented brother to rescue her. Nice work on the restoration and repair.

Bernie Weishapl
08-29-2010, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the kind comments. Our grandson and DIL moved to Wichita, Ks. She is teaching at the Catholic school down there. Son is still in Richmond, Va. and has been looking for a job so he can move. He had two interviews down there so hoping he will get one of them. He misses the little man. Of course that means getting the pickup ready, hitting the road so I can pull the moving trailer back to Wichita and helping with the move. Probably another couple of weeks with no turning.:mad:

John H. I know how retirement was suppose to go but as I said you know who has the final say. Yep Grandma. I learned after 43 yrs if grandma ain't happy ain't nobody happy.:D;):rolleyes:

John K. no the chair goes with a beautiful old dining room table. Has a set of 8 chairs. My BIL says his grandmother bought it somewhere around 1897 or 1898.

Pete I will see if I can get one when I return the piece to her. She has it mostly done and is getting ready to put it in the living room.

James it was fun project. Always like something different but hopefully will get some time to do some turning.

Tom Sherman
08-29-2010, 11:36 AM
Looks like a cool project Bernie, nice work for a Teddy bear.:D

Curt Fuller
08-29-2010, 12:12 PM
Looks good Bernie. If you get a chance post some pics of the organ. I love those old pumpers. Great job on the chair too.

gary Zimmel
08-29-2010, 12:24 PM
Nice work bringing that old chair back to life and good to see you got to turn on the lathe again Bernie..

Bernie Weishapl
08-29-2010, 9:36 PM
Thanks again. Curt for you and others who asked I will get a picture of the organ when I take back those pieces. She said she has it in place and going to put her touches to it. She is happy with the picture and says she can't tell which one I did so guess that is good. She says it plays pretty well for her first and only restore.

Baxter Smith
08-29-2010, 10:08 PM
Nice job on the replacement parts for both chair and organ. Lots of satisfaction in saving something thats been around a lot longer than you have.