View Full Version : Woodcraft and LV goodies "Update"

Karl Laustrup
12-12-2004, 3:21 PM
Let's start with the LV goodies. Got a care package this past week which included: Saddle Square; 1:6 & 1:8 Dovetail markers; Quartz Radiant heater [3]; 3-in-1 Brass Marking Gauge and an outfeed roller stand. Now I have to find a good dove tail saw. Any suggestions?

Well, I got some BLO and Tung Oil at Woodcraft, but the big haul was the Delta Mortiser for $215.99. It's shown center front in the picture and is kinda yellow. Funny I thought it would be quite a bit bigger.:confused: :D

Out of stock. Have to wait for a couple of weeks for it to come in. Then another trip to Madison and see what else I can buy at that time. I'll send a real pic when I get it.


Steve Clardy
12-12-2004, 7:52 PM
Nice haul. Let me now how the heaters do. Thinking about either one of those, or an oil filled base heater to replace the regular 220v 8' foot baseboard heater in my new spray room.

Gene Collison
12-12-2004, 8:38 PM

This saw is excellent, they also have a new rip dozuki for substantially less but I don't know how good it is.



Karl Laustrup
12-13-2004, 6:44 AM
Thanks Gene, I will definitely look into the saw a little more. I've got some time as I've still got to get shop arranged and cyclone installed before I do any serious woodworking.

But I am anxious to try out cutting my own dovetails as well as my first mortise and tennon. I expect to get a chance at both as my first project, once shop is set up will be couple of jewelry boxes for LOML. They will be more in the armoir style, though not as large.

Steve, I have one of the heaters in my new shed [16X18]. I have 2 others that will go in garage/shop, but it will be a few weeks before I get them installed. I have had it on a couple of times overnight to see how it did. Shed is fully insulated and with heater on low, it kept interior at 42. It wasn't all that cold outside, maybe low 20's but 42 is good enough to keep JD warm enough for easy start and hydraulic fluid warm enough so I don't have to sit for a couple minutes before I start throwing snow.


Ed Hardin
12-13-2004, 11:26 AM
These radiant heaters generally heat things not air. I can feel the heat on my shoulders while working and find it to be quite effective for my little shop.

Karl Laustrup
12-30-2004, 6:19 PM
Well, it's a couple of weeks later and here's proof that I got the Delta mortiser. And as suspected Woodcraft had other stuff on sale that I just couldn't do without.

Pic#1 Delta Mortiser-Fresh out of the box. Set up will happen later. Maybe next week.:D

Pic#2 Gross Stabil Clamps-4 each of 48",40",24" and 12". :D :D

Pic#3 Incra V-27 Miter Gauge; Velvet finishing oil; Flip Stop; and Irwin chisel set in a box. :D

I know the chisels aren't the best in the world, but they should get me by until such time as the credit card fairy :rolleyes: magically makes my credit card usable again. Thankfully they had all the clamps etc. in stock so I wouldn't have to make a return trip in a couple of weeks to pick them up. That's what happened this time. Had to go and pick up the mortiser and the above is what happened. :eek: :D

They need to stop having sales, that's what gets me in trouble every time.

Thanks for taking a look! :D

Jim Becker
12-30-2004, 6:28 PM
Let me now how the heaters do. Thinking about either one of those, or an oil filled base heater to replace the regular 220v 8' foot baseboard heater in my new spray room.
I have three of them in my shop and couldn't be happier. On the very coldest days (under 40º F), I still need to heat for awhile with my kero heater, but take it outside to turn it off once things are "reasonable". The radient units keep me comfortable for the remainder of the time in the shop and are all I need otherwise.

If you spray solvent-based finishes, I would not use them in the spray room, however...stick with the baseboard convection unit for that.

Karl Laustrup
12-30-2004, 6:40 PM
The heaters do well, although not for the purpose that I had intended. As Ed said above they are to heat things in really a large space. I have since installed one above and behind where I sit at my bench. It sits about 3' above me and it really keeps my shoulders and back warm. I still have the other two in their boxes, not quite sure where I'll use them, although I think one will be over a lathe when I get it.
Temps here, until today, have been quite cold. Highs only in the low teens. I use my propane heaters to warm up the garage/shop and shed.


Mark Singer
12-30-2004, 7:01 PM
I have been buying saws and blades from Frank Tahiro for years...they are great and inexpensive...once you have the handles you can just buy blades. I told Alan Turner and he really likes them too. Let me know if you have questions about specific blades...I have many


Karl Laustrup
12-30-2004, 7:17 PM
Thanks, Mark for the info on the blades. I will file that away as I'm not quite ready for a saw just yet [As seen above in this thread, wallet has to recover a wee bit], but I'm going to attempt to do my dovetails by hand.

We must have been posting together about the radiant heaters. I didn't realize that you used them for heat like that. Very interesting. I used the one in my new shed and it did OK until temps got down to single digits. Then all it was doing was making my electric meter go round and round.


Marshall Harrison
12-30-2004, 7:57 PM
Mark, thanks for the link. Those blades look good. I noticed that the Queen handle was out of stock. I'll have to visit them again as I would like to get a good dovetail saw. Perhaps they will have them in stock when I find some more money.Let's see now, what can I sell to get money......

John Miliunas
12-30-2004, 10:25 PM
Hey Karl, congrats on the super-haul! Sheeeesh...A complete clamp rack in one fell swoop!:eek: I think you'll really like the GS clamps. Out of all my clamps, those are the ones I reach for first, though the Bessey's run a real close second. Same goes for the Velvit oil. Use it on some "busy" grain and watch it do the magic! Let us know how you like the mortiser. I've heard good stuff about it and that's a decent price! Have fun with all your schtuff! BTW, if you want to put a REAL kean edge on those chisels, stop over and we'll give them the 1-2 punch on the MK II!:) :cool:

Tim Morton
12-30-2004, 11:04 PM
A complete clamp rack in one fell swoop!

Obviously john missed a word in that sentence, since we all know that there is no such thing as a "complete" clamp rack, I'm sure he meant to say an "almost' complete...or a "nearly' complete rack :D

Nice score!!!

John Miliunas
12-31-2004, 12:30 AM
Obviously john missed a word in that sentence, since we all know that there is no such thing as a "complete" clamp rack, I'm sure he meant to say an "almost' complete...or a "nearly' complete rack :D

Nice score!!!
Tim, good catch! Sorry, my bad! :o You are, of course, corectomundo. Can't ever have too many clamps!:) :cool:

Karl Laustrup
12-31-2004, 7:59 AM
Your MK II was exactly what I had in mind when I chose those chisels. Thanks for the offer and I will take you up on that.

As for the clamps, I figure I got a decent start on a clamp collection.:o From some of the pictures I've seen here on the Creek, another 10 or so purchases, like the one I made, and I'll start getting close to having enough clamps. :D

Really want to get going so I can try out all this new stuff. I may cut a couple of pieces of wood just to try out the Velvit Oil. I've got enough different woods to get a good sampling of what it does on different flavors of wood.


Tyler Howell
12-31-2004, 9:27 AM
Real nice Haul Karl. Those toyls will keep you warm on a cold winters night.;)