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View Full Version : Tool Sources To Consider

Jim Koepke
08-26-2010, 1:39 PM
The LOML and I went into Portland a few days ago and since she needed some lapidary supplies we stopped at the big rock shop we found one time driving through town.

They do have a few items that could be of interest to Neanders. The main item being a fare selection of fret saws. They also had some small mallets and files.

Just a thought for people who may not have a wide variety of wood working tools around, you may be able to find other sources in the cross over markets.


Brander Roullett
08-26-2010, 3:45 PM
I just recently went through Harbor Freight and scored a few Neander tools that also might be of interest.

I got a couple 10" wood handscrew clamps.

A 10 piece Punch and Chisel set for less than $10 that has 3 tapered punches that will make great drawbore pins.

Two steel compasses in large and small for making circles, and layouts.

Much of the stuff there is crap (like the hatchet I got) but there are a few decent items hidden in among the junk. I got a set of HSS turning tools for my powered lathe that have held up quite well. I'm most excited about the drawbore pins though, since I haven't been able to find those around at all.


Randy Briggs
08-26-2010, 3:57 PM
I just recently went through Harbor Freight and scored a few Neander tools that also might be of interest.

I got a couple 10" wood handscrew clamps.

A 10 piece Punch and Chisel set for less than $10 that has 3 tapered punches that will make great drawbore pins.

Two steel compasses in large and small for making circles, and layouts.

Much of the stuff there is crap (like the hatchet I got) but there are a few decent items hidden in among the junk. I got a set of HSS turning tools for my powered lathe that have held up quite well. I'm most excited about the drawbore pins though, since I haven't been able to find those around at all.


Did the same thing with the 10 pc Punch set. Got a few handles on clearance for less than $2 each, polished and waxed them up and voila!


Jonathan McCullough
08-26-2010, 4:10 PM
Where'd you get those Dastra handles for $2? I'm starting to find that Dastra has about the best steel around for carving. But I've got a lot of old tang chisels that need new handles, and $2 is well worth the price.

Harlan Barnhart
08-26-2010, 5:31 PM
...A 10 piece Punch and Chisel set for less than $10 that has 3 tapered punches that will make great drawbore pins....

I have been looking at those old carbide rod sharpening irons meant for kitchen knives. If I ever find two that look like a pair at a flea market, they will become my "big" set of drawbore pins. I might even put a cheap wheel on the grinder and try to grind an elipse shape on them.

Richard Niemiec
08-26-2010, 9:37 PM
You can get the handles at Diefenbacher tools:


Mark Wyatt
08-26-2010, 10:57 PM
Just a thought for people who may not have a wide variety of wood working tools around, you may be able to find other sources in the cross over markets.


I'll pile on. Here in Indianapolis there is a great store called Landwerlen Leather Co. Outside it doesn't look like much. It stands in the shadow of Lucas Oil Stadium (home of the Colts). Inside is like walking back in time. The people are great and the selection of leather and leather tools is wonderful. The Landwerlen family runs the store and are as friendly as can be.

Last time I was in I bought a wallet for $8, a 40" x 3" piece of thick tough leather to use as a strop for $13, and a pound of scrap leather to use as facing for a bench vice of two for $5. Pictures attached.

If your nice, they'll even show you the basement and the old hand powered bench tool still in use for cutting the leather!