View Full Version : 3M Gold Stikit Sandpaper

Chris Vandiver
08-24-2010, 9:55 PM

What's the cheapest source you have found for 3M Gold Stikit sandpaper.


George Clark
08-25-2010, 11:43 AM
Expensive but really useful stuff. When I did a price comparison these folks had the best prices I found. In addition to using it to "grind" plane irons and chisels I bought some of the 5' stikit sanding blocks and found them to be very useful as well.


Chris Vandiver
08-25-2010, 11:57 AM
Thanks George. I found the same vendor as well.

Tony Shea
08-25-2010, 8:46 PM
Wow, that's a couple bucks cheaper than I found at Jamestown Distributors @ $45.99. Thought I found the cheapest around but apparently not. Thanks for the find. When you look at comparable distributors it's hard to believe the markup on this stuff, it's like dealing with gold grit sandpaper. Everybody wants it and is willing to pay astronomical prices. I've actually never ordered any myself but was getting ready to. If I'm using it for initial sharpening/shaping how does it compare with your typical 80 or 120 grit belt sanding rolls? Does it hold up as well or better than them? I haven't figured it out but I guess in the long run it would be cheaper to just buy the 3M rolls. I just like the results with the belts cut in half and stuck to my granite surface plate. But if these 3M rolls are just a good I will def order myself some.

Chris Vandiver
08-25-2010, 8:49 PM
Tony- I would have to say that the Gold psa helps to keep things flatter than belts.