View Full Version : Sad news

Robert McGowen
08-23-2010, 3:42 PM
Many of you know Richard Madison from the Turners' forum. He mostly did segmented work and was an avid poster and contributor here. I noticed that he had not posted in a while and I was subsequently contacted by his wife and found out that he had passed away last week from natural causes. While I had only spoken with him a few times in person, I contacted him and was contacted by him numerous times through e-mail and this forum. I thought that I would let everyone know of his passing and request that you give him a few minutes of your prayer time today.

Christopher K. Hartley
08-23-2010, 3:53 PM
Thank you Robert, My prayers are with his family durring this difficult time. We will miss him.

Steve Schlumpf
08-23-2010, 3:59 PM
Really sorry to hear this sad news! Richard was always very positive and I will miss his input and his segmented vases!

Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

John Hart
08-23-2010, 4:18 PM
Yes...Richard was always upbeat and I enjoyed his posts a lot. I will miss him. My thoughts are with his family and those of us here who will be left with a bit of a hole in our hearts.

Dennis Peacock
08-23-2010, 4:22 PM
Sad news indeed. Robert will be missed. My prayers for his family and friends.

Thom Sturgill
08-23-2010, 4:28 PM
As someone just starting to get interested in segmented work, I appreciated his work. He will be missed.

Alan Trout
08-23-2010, 4:34 PM
Very sad indeed. He always seemed like a nice guy.


John Keeton
08-23-2010, 4:37 PM
I really hate to hear this. Richard's posts and contributions in the way of beautiful turnings and his positive input to SMC will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

bob svoboda
08-23-2010, 4:47 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with his family. He will be missed on the forum.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-23-2010, 5:08 PM
Richard was always upbeat and had positive contributions to make. He will be missed. My condolences go out to his family and friends.

Matt Ranum
08-23-2010, 5:13 PM
Our thoughts and prayers as well. Thats too bad, there is a lot of that happening lately.:(

Tom Sherman
08-23-2010, 5:13 PM
Sad news indeed, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Aaron Wingert
08-23-2010, 5:16 PM
Safe to say that Richard left a very positive impression on his online friends here at SMC. I'll truly miss reading his posts and having him here.

Bill Bulloch
08-23-2010, 5:17 PM
Robert, This is truely a sad day. Richard, like you, helped me by giving sound advise and suggestions when I first started down this Segmented Turning Road. He will truely be missed.

Ken Glass
08-23-2010, 5:36 PM
Richard will be missed, and I pray for his family in this ime of sadness. We will all remember his contribution to this forum, and I am proud to have had him as a friend and fellow Turner.

Pete Jordan
08-23-2010, 5:44 PM
Richard will certainly be missed and my prayers are with his family.

Tony De Masi
08-23-2010, 5:56 PM
A sad day indeed. He will be missed for certain. Thoughts and prayers are with his family.


David E Keller
08-23-2010, 6:18 PM
He seemed like such a wonderful person in his posts, and I looked forward to his turnings. His family will be in my thoughts.

Bernie Weishapl
08-23-2010, 6:34 PM
I wondered what happened. I had talked with him on the phone and hadn't heard since or seen him post since. A wonderful gentleman always willing to help in anyway he could. I am saddened and will miss his posts. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

brian watts
08-23-2010, 7:04 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Harvey Ghesser
08-23-2010, 9:16 PM
Richard will be missed....

James Roberts
08-23-2010, 9:38 PM
Sad, sad news. My prayers go out to his family as well. He left a legacy of work for others to enjoy and be inspired by.

Tony Kent
08-24-2010, 1:10 AM
Sad news indeed! My prayers and thoughts with his Family and friends.
Tony K

charlie knighton
08-24-2010, 5:05 AM
Richard always seemed humble with his accomplishments. i looked forward to his posts, he will be missed.

Mark Hubl
08-24-2010, 11:28 AM
Sad, I will miss his posts and comments. May he rest in peace and prayers to his loved ones.

steven carter
08-24-2010, 12:35 PM
Richard will be sorely missed on this forum for his insights and contributions, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

Rob Cunningham
08-24-2010, 12:40 PM
Very sad news. Prayers for his family and friends.

Jim Kountz
08-24-2010, 7:47 PM
My condolences to his family. Every since I got into turning I have admired Richards segmented work. He will be missed.

Jeff Nicol
08-25-2010, 8:25 AM
Like was said, it seems that we are losing people that make our hearts stir with sorrow and pain. Many of us never get to meet them in person, but here on SMC we are all like giant family, when one hurts we all hurt. He will be missed and remembered for his skill and great attitude.

This hits home for me and not to take away from this thread, but my father-in-law has had 2 heart attacks and now is going into congestive heart failure and the doctors have tried everything and there is nothing more they can do. He has been an inspiration for me over the last 15 years, he always made the grandkids a wood toy or game for birthdays and Christmas and this may be his last holiday season with us, but his creations will live on forever.

May God Bless us all in time of loss and sorrow and give us strength to carry on the memories of those we lose.


Bill Boehme
02-22-2011, 12:59 AM
I realize that this news is many months old, but I just discovered it today. I first met Richard Baker many years ago at the Wood magazine forum where he used the screen name "Richard in Madisonville". Like me, he was an engineer before retiring and enjoyed tinkering with things. Later, after he and his wife moved to Wimberly, he decided that a new screen name was in order so in order to minimize identity confusion, he decided to go with Richard Madison as a pseudonym. Richard went by the screen name "Texian" on the AAW site. We also conversed quite a bit by email especially when he was building a workshop at his new home in Wimberly and wanted my my inputs on branch circuit size and other electrical questions for wiring his shop. We managed to meet in person at SWAT on one or two occasions and I was thoroughly impressed by his segmented turnings that he made using ordinary pine 2X4 lumber. I still have some drilled rubber stoppers that he sent me for building a home made fixture for reverse turning the bottom of a bowl. I really do need to finish that project.

Steve Vaughan
02-22-2011, 6:43 AM
I am sorry to hear this. Prayers lifted up for the family.

Brian McInturff
02-22-2011, 6:50 AM
That's really sad news. One of our Brethren has moved on. He, and his family will be in my prayers. His postings will be missed.