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View Full Version : Shepherd Smoother Part Deux!

Louis Bois
12-11-2004, 8:12 PM
Well...I've searched high...I've searched low...and do you think I've been able to find the second batch of photos that depict the final stages of building a Shepherd Smoother?!? Nope.

I haven't given up, but I thought I'd post a few pics of the finished plane to give myself some new incentive to renew my search. Hope you enjoy them.

I've posted a pic of a favourite #8 of mine to serve as a reference for size. You'll note (agreement with Tyler here) that I believe old tools should not be made to look new...just perform as though they were. There's a link to the past that makes these things so enjoyable to use...hopefully my new Shepherd Smoother will give someone the same satisfaction in 125 years!:D

The scotch glass and bottle are my trademark for a completed project...inspired by Dave's wine glass!

Tyler Howell
12-11-2004, 9:38 PM
Louis that is a beauty! Fine Job:cool:

Clay Craig
12-11-2004, 10:00 PM
"I've searched high...I've searched low"

Maybe it's worth trying a search when you are straight and not depressed?

Sorry, couldn't resist. That's a beauty. Folks keep succeeding in making their own stunning Shepherd smoothers, I'm gonna start thinking I can make one too ...

Nice work, I'm greenheart with envy.


Ben Knebel
12-12-2004, 10:01 AM
Well...I've searched high...I've searched low...and do you think I've been able to find the second batch of photos that depict the final stages of building a Shepherd Smoother?!? Nope.

The scotch glass and bottle are my trademark for a completed project...inspired by Dave's wine glass!

Hi Louis
Now I know the man knows his Scotch---that's an Aberlour A'Bunadh if I'm not mistaken---the finest speyside single malt there is--in my opinion. So fine--so fine. It's a wee bit early but maybe a little sip won't hurt ;)

Oh and the smoother looks pretty good too :) :D

Dan Moening
12-12-2004, 11:03 AM
Very nice indeed!

Is the iron part of the kit? Cause that one is thick!

Beautiful cross grain shavings there as well...
I've been saving my pennies for the miter plane kit...probably mid summer...

Mark Singer
12-12-2004, 11:13 AM
Wooooo! Woooooo! Nice...very nice!

Louis Bois
12-12-2004, 12:39 PM
Thanks all...it works like a dream...I guess I should have posted a pic of the mouth of the plane...but then there'd be too many tears...heheheh...

Ben...that's my "cheap" scotch!!!:eek::D

Dan, yes, the iron is part of the kit! It's quite substantial and probably doesn't know the meaning of the word chatter!

Clay? :D :eek:

Tom LaRussa
12-12-2004, 4:16 PM
Well...I've searched high...I've searched low...and do you think I've been able to find the second batch of photos that depict the final stages of building a Shepherd Smoother?!? Nope.
Oh come on Louis, 'fess up!

We all know you went back down to Sheperd and got Ben to finish it for you. :eek: ;)

But seriously, I'm the first one to advocate doing just about everything on the cheap: I'm always nagging folks to buy used Stanleys and learn to fettle them; I use a "Tom-Mek" instead of a Tormek; I'm making my own chisels; etc.


I draw the line when it comes to the little works of art those fellas at Sheperd put out. If I could afford them, (which I will be able to, some day, I hope), I would buy them. In fact, my really wild dream would be to buy two of each model -- a kit to build myself and use, and a fully assembled model to put under glass and look at.

Keith Christopher
12-12-2004, 8:14 PM

I see you only have one glass there ! I'd say you need about 100 more for this crowd. :)


Louis Bois
12-12-2004, 8:59 PM

I see you only have one glass there ! I'd say you need about 100 more for this crowd. :)

Well...as long as you're not too fussy about etiquette, I've got plenty of paper cups to go around! But if you ask for "ginger ale" with that, it's "Sheep Dip" for you!!!

Corvin Alstot
12-12-2004, 11:46 PM
Thanks all...it works like a dream...I guess I should have posted a pic of the mouth of the plane...but then there'd be too many tears...heheheh...
Was it fairly easy to get a tight mouth on the plane? I would hate to get a kit and then end up with a large opening at the mouth.

Louis Bois
12-13-2004, 6:58 AM
Was it fairly easy to get a tight mouth on the plane? I would hate to get a kit and then end up with a large opening at the mouth.
Yes Corvin, it's something that can be achieved every time with a little care. When you put the plane together, there are a few lapping (drawfiling) stages where material gets removed quickly. The trick is to not remove too much material from the sole in these early stages. It's easier to remove material to achieve a tight mouth than it is to add metal if you've removed too much!!! Save most of the mouth fettling until the plane is essentially complete and then simply lap the sole until the blade just clears the opening. That's what I did and it worked like a charm.

Jump in...take the plunge...and don't worry about finishing the plane in a day or two. Take a week if you need to. Just do it one step at a time and you'll be amazed at the results. It's worth putting in the time to do it properly as it will be with you (and your descendents) for a long, long time.