View Full Version : New to this Forum

John Dingman
12-11-2004, 6:32 PM
Hey All,

I am new to this forum and just thought I'd say Hi! I usually hang out at the Woodnet Forum. One of Bob Smalser's Posts linked to this site so I thought I would check it out. There is some great info here. And this seems like a really nice place to hang out and sip a cup of cofee.

Have a great day!

Karl Laustrup
12-11-2004, 7:21 PM
Welcome John.

Glad to have you. I think you'll find a lot of friendly people here and a lot of knowledge. You'll also find quite a few of us cheeseheads on the boards.

Haven't been a member that long myself, but very glad I found this place.

Just a little heads up though, you can't just tell us about new tools or projects. These things require pictures. The Pic Police are ever vigilent. [Tyler:D]


Ted Shrader
12-11-2004, 8:02 PM
Hi John -

Welcome to the Creek. Glad to have you. It is a friendly place to dangle your feet and exchange ideas.


Louis Bois
12-11-2004, 8:18 PM
A warm welcome to you John! Hope you enjoy your stay and come away a little richer for the experience gleened in these pages. I know I have gained much in my short stay...


Terry Hatfield
12-11-2004, 8:19 PM
Welcome John!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a SMC regular but new to the Hand Tool forum here as well. Great bunch of folks here. I'm sure you will enjoy SMC. I sure do!!


EDIT: post some pics of your shop John!!!

Steve Clardy
12-11-2004, 8:36 PM
Welcome John!!!

Joe Mioux
12-11-2004, 8:58 PM

Welcome to the forum. This is a wonderful forum with many talented people from all walks-of-life. Spend some time here and tell us about yourself.


Tyler Howell
12-11-2004, 9:07 PM
Welcome John,

Great bunch of folks here in the Creek.

John Dingman
12-11-2004, 10:15 PM
Welcome John!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a SMC regular but new to the Hand Tool forum here as well. Great bunch of folks here. I'm sure you will enjoy SMC. I sure do!!


EDIT: post some pics of your shop John!!!Ok Terry, I'll try to post a couple of pics of the shop and a pic of one of the largest complated projects to date, a pulpit and communion table for a new church constructed in Beach park, IL. For all the pics of my shop and tools you can see them at the www link. Thanks to all for the very kind welcome!


Dave Anderson NH
12-12-2004, 7:22 AM
Glad to have you join us. From your shop pix it appears obvious that you are already partway into the Neander way of doing things. Anyone with 5 braces hanging on the wall can't be all bad.:D We look forward to your participation.

John Dingman
12-12-2004, 8:33 AM
Glad to have you join us. From your shop pix it appears obvious that you are already partway into the Neander way of doing things. Anyone with 5 braces hanging on the wall can't be all bad.:D We look forward to your participation.Thanks for the welcome!

Those are dedicated braces ;) Learned that you need those from Bob Smalser. And if you look a little closer there are 6 hanging and two on the rotuter table top :D And btw.....thanks for the price list.

Have a great day!

Dan Moening
12-12-2004, 10:43 AM
Welcome aboard!

While I've only been here a little while I have discovered another great bunch of talent and experience here that I've enjoyed the company of...

Aaron Koehl
12-13-2004, 10:09 AM
Welcome to SawmillCreek!

Alan Turner
12-13-2004, 10:57 AM
Thanks for swinging in an dragging your knuckles with a great bunch.

Boyd Gathwright
12-13-2004, 11:31 AM
…. Welcome aboard and Mary Christmas John. The picture police will want to inspect your camera :D :D :D.<O:p</O:p

Boyd ;)

Hey All,

I am new to this forum and just thought I'd say Hi! I usually hang out at the Woodnet Forum. One of Bob Smalser's Posts linked to this site so I thought I would check it out. There is some great info here. And this seems like a really nice place to hang out and sip a cup of cofee.

Have a great day!

Marc Hills
12-13-2004, 11:47 AM
Glad to have you join us. From your shop pix it appears obvious that you are already partway into the Neander way of doing things. Anyone with 5 braces hanging on the wall can't be all bad.:D We look forward to your participation.

But Dave, John has that (admittedly sweet) Osbourne miter guage hanging right next to all those neander tools. They almost touch. That could be bad -- very bad. Like 'crossing the beams' bad.

John, welcome to the creek!! Bob Smalser has a way of reeling 'em in. Mind yourself around here; the Creek gets quite slippery when frozen.

You do lovely work. I read somewhere that some very successful woodworkers cater exclusively to the ecclesiastical casework and furnishings market.

And FYI: Aren't you in violation of some sort of zoning ordinance with your shop size? Your miter saw station alone has more square footage than my entire shop!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-14-2004, 8:25 AM
Welcome to the 'Creek John! I notice you've discovered how to keep Tyler off you back!.....post lots of pics! Again Welcome!

Bart Leetch
12-14-2004, 11:24 AM
Welcome to Sawmill Creek John. I see that your much more of a craftsman than I am, thats a great looking pulpit and communion table.

Just a little suggestion I think some white paint would help lighten up your shop & make it easier to see what your doing. I don't know what lighting you have but I'm a lighting freak with plenty of lights in the ceiling & adjustable lighting by the tools that need it. :)

John Dingman
12-14-2004, 12:44 PM
Just a little suggestion I think some white paint would help lighten up your shop & make it easier to see what your doing. I don't know what lighting you have but I'm a lighting freak with plenty of lights in the ceiling & adjustable lighting by the tools that need it. :)

Thanks for the compliment and the suggestion. Those pics of the shop were taken at night with a digital camera with no flash. So, the lighting is good, but as you suggest, it could be better. I once suggested that I might paint the shop walls white and one of the Board members stated that it would hurt the character of the shop. So my question is this: What's more important, character, or brightness? :D

Have a great day!

Bart Leetch
12-14-2004, 5:54 PM
What's more important, character, or brightness?

Brightness it saves fingers, eye sight & material. :D