View Full Version : My Neighbor's Firewood Pile

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 4:43 PM
Well, while having a beer over at my neighbor's house, I glaced over at his wood pile...:eek:

Is is just me, or did I save some bowls that are hidden in these chunks from non-existence? Hope I can find the bowls...

Here is the first one;

Bradford Pear

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 4:44 PM
Here is another Bradford Pear:

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 4:45 PM
Here is some sort of Crabapple or something:

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 4:48 PM
And finally a chunk of Cherry that looks like it may have some burl or somehting in there:

He has a boatload of cherry, locust, and hickory too. But just like animals at the shelter...I can't save 'em all.

Steve Schlumpf
08-21-2010, 4:49 PM
WOW - cool score!

Your neighbor sure has a lot of rocks in his yard!

Nice wood! I'd start with the Cherry!!!

Looking forward to seeing what you turn out it all!

Pete Jordan
08-21-2010, 5:38 PM
That neighbor sure is sneeky:)

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 6:14 PM
Thanks, Steve. While I know you said that in fun, that is MY driveway...

I hope to get in my shop tomorrow to do a little clean up and get moving on getting my lathe back together. I really had a blast turning that first bowl and want to get onto turning my second. But my honey-do list had been starving for attention and work on and in the shop came to a screetching halt.

I have 6 trophies to make for an October golf outting that need some small lathe work done. I NEED to get my lathe together and start turning! :eek:

Pete, sorry, I just got up from a nap and am a little slow. How is he sneaky?

John Keeton
08-21-2010, 7:11 PM
Mike, you are a sick man - in need of counseling! Can't even go over to the neighbor's house, socialize, carry on a conversation, etc. without getting distracted by a wood pile!

Sick, I tell ya', sick!!:D:D:D

BTW, I do think there are bowls in there, but I see a couple of hollow forms!

Pete Jordan
08-21-2010, 7:38 PM
Pete, sorry, I just got up from a nap and am a little slow. How is he sneaky?

For hiding those bowl in that firewood pile.

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 8:20 PM
Ah, yes Pete, tricksy he is...

And yes, John, I'm a very sick man. I got a bug a little while back and haven't seemed to be able to shake it.

And John, the real sad part about these chunks is my lack of knowledge, both in turning AND being able to visualize the best use of a chunk. You see, you SEE a hollow form. I, uh, see that I can cut them up and turn some bowls. At best, I can visualize (with the help of pdf some very kind soul sent me that shows how cutting up a log creates different patterns) some free form (utilizing the the jagged edges) bowls. But, like an expert diamond cutter, I can't see how to BEST use a chunk. Yeah, I know it is up to the turner, but where I might just cut a piece in half and make two bowls, you might see a perfect hollow form vase.

I know that this sort of thing only comes with experience, but again, I am extending an open invitation to anyone who wants to come by and school me on these pieces. The last time I asked, I had a Creeker come by and I gave him the two halves of the chunk of Weeping Cherry that we cut up.

I just got an idea for another thread. Gotta go.

David DeCristoforo
08-21-2010, 9:31 PM
"Can't even go over to the neighbor's house...without getting distracted by a wood pile!"

Don't let em fool ya Mike. It's a commonly known fact that people with a twisted sense of humor deliberately put interesting pieces of wood on their firewood piles when they know their turner friends are coming over. Then they sit back and entertain themselves watching you try to resist. It's like putting a guy in a round room and telling them to go sit in the corner. They're the sick ones, Mike... not us.

Christopher K. Hartley
08-21-2010, 9:38 PM
Too bad Mike, you have demonstrated your headlong fall into the Abyss. Every piece of wood and every tree is seen for it's potential in turnings. Na na na na nana, YOU"RE HOOKED!!!!!:D:D:D:eek: He he he!!:)

Bernie Weishapl
08-21-2010, 10:58 PM
Congrats on a fine haul. Isn't it funny how we fall into the black hole of turning and never look at tree's the same way again.:eek::rolleyes:;)

David E Keller
08-21-2010, 11:05 PM
I see nothing wrong with coveting the neighbor's wood pile... I find myself driving around and looking at woodpiles of people I don't even know!:eek:

Lately, I seem to bring in 3 pieces of wood for every one I turn... Gonna have to get me a wood barn like that Keeton fella. First, I gotta get some land, but then I'm gonna get a barn.:D

Mike Cruz
08-21-2010, 11:37 PM
Don't get me started on barns!!!!!!!! This guy has a 50 x 50 barn with 16 feet to the bottom of the rafters!!!!!!! Two 14 foot bay doors!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!! He's been my neighbor for 3 years now. We've become pretty good buds. He's helped me out around the farm and has done some minor electrical stuff for me. We even went fishing at Deep Creek Lake this weekend...ON MY BOAT!!!!!!!!! But this is the first time I saw his barn!!!!!!!!! I think he's been it hiding from me on purpose. He's seen my shop. He KNOWS how much I'd love his barn. I had to appologize for the drool puddle I left on my, I mean HIS, barn floor.


Joe Shinall
08-22-2010, 12:21 AM
Just one question. Does this guy need new friends? Maybe a pen pal?

John Keeton
08-22-2010, 7:23 AM
I WANT HIS BARN!!Now, now!!! Thou shalt not covet!!:D

John Hart
08-22-2010, 7:48 AM
Maybe you could build a barn out of his firewood. Ya know...a little at a time. ;)

Mike Cruz
08-22-2010, 9:14 AM
John, I don't want to covet, I just want to make it into my shop...:D

Now, if I had that barn, it would be the BIGGEST gloat E-V-E-R.

David Woodruff
08-22-2010, 10:23 AM
Been there, done that. I have often told people that I use wood that is too ugly to burn.

Tom Sherman
08-22-2010, 12:39 PM
Mike just don't go scrounging around his woodpile at night and all will be well.