View Full Version : Seven times was the number

Dahl Troy Perry
08-19-2010, 9:18 PM
Well seven was the number of times that I threw this out of the lathe!:eek:
This has had me mad ,discusted,:mad: it has been in my chuck for a month I would work on it for a while get mad walk away try it the next day. never did get it to cut with out grabing try every thing I could. Then said it was time for it to go.I finished it the only tool that would cut it 36 grit sandpaper in drill:D Got it done turned it aroundand throw it out one more timecuting the heal off tore the bark edge off this time. This bowl must be part demon!!! At one time I was ready to sell the lathe and go back to flatwork where I'm good. The wood is cherry buffed and waxed 6"dia x5" tall.

Dennis Ford
08-19-2010, 9:21 PM
It came out nice after all the trouble, glad that you did not give up. Looks like elm.

David E Keller
08-19-2010, 9:22 PM
Kudos for your persistence. That's a difficult shape to make being that it is almost as deep as it is wide with very steep sides. The finished product looks pretty good, but the process sounds a little scary!:eek:

James Combs
08-19-2010, 9:27 PM
I think it turned out great even if it did do a lot of flying.

David DeCristoforo
08-19-2010, 9:27 PM
"...seven...times that I threw this out of the lathe..."

And yet... it lives!!! Looks nice too. Makes me want to go out and look through my trash...

Bernie Weishapl
08-19-2010, 9:34 PM
That is the best looking demon I seen in some time.:D

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-19-2010, 10:29 PM
That bowl was trying to tell you it wanted to be a flying saucer. A++ for persistence and the same for the flying sa..... bowl.

Michael James
08-19-2010, 11:35 PM
nice looking little sucker.... Does it glow in the dark..? spin on its own? emiit evil grunts..? or just sit there? I think you done broke it's evilness. Looks like a unique piece and nicely finished too.
Id think you're having too much fun kicking demon bowl butt to want to go back to the measure 2x, cut 1x paradimn..... "Look ma, its square!!!" :cool:

gary Zimmel
08-19-2010, 11:44 PM
It may of put up a good fight, but you won in the end...
Nice work Dahl.

John Keeton
08-20-2010, 7:57 AM
Dahl, don't give up yet!!! This one turned out nice.

As David K. said, this is a difficult shape - were you attempting a pull cut from the bottom to the rim on this piece? And, did you attempt to work on the rim after hollowing the bowl out?

If the answer to either is yes, that is going to increase the "fling" factor considerably.

Hang in there!! You did some good work here, and it would be a shame to stop now.

Dahl Troy Perry
08-20-2010, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the comments it was a rough one need to work on bowls not as deep for awhile.

Christopher K. Hartley
08-20-2010, 1:20 PM
Dahl, one more reason we call this the Dark Side. At least you ended with a finished bowl. I like the way it looks and it will be one of those that will make the future bowls well worth the effort. Be encouraged and don't run back to the Flat Side we need you here.;)

wes murphy
08-20-2010, 1:26 PM
i've the same problem with putting bowls in thrash, but i never fished them for finishing, except for a small persimmon piece only because it laughed at me.

Steve Schlumpf
08-20-2010, 1:47 PM
Dahl - glad to see you stuck with it! At least now you have something to show for your efforts!

I agree with David and John - that is one heck of a hard form to turn without catches! I think you will find turning bowls with a more gentle curve a lot more fun!

Looking forward to seeing your next one!

Leo Van Der Loo
08-20-2010, 3:49 PM
So now that's what you get for not giving up :eek: :cool: :D

Yes good looking little bowl and don't let it get away from you, it is nice to look in a few years at this the first one I made bowl, ..................though I still don't regret burning my first one :eek:, it was ugly and bad :D :D