View Full Version : A Great Day I had today

Karl Card
08-19-2010, 12:42 AM
I have been out of work for around 2 years now. I have had a couple temp jobs but nothing permenant. I also was getting the feeling that I was just surviving and not really giving anything back to society or even myself. Bad feeling of depression, guilt, and worthless. I got to thinking wow i will be 48 this year and I have not done alot for a career.

So I went to school, signed up took the test to see if I was able to be taught and to my surprise i scored a 99 on my english grammar, 90 on reading and well math we wont talk about... Anyway I am going to get a degree to become a network administrator with emphasis more into the security end of it.

You may ask what does this have to do with wood turning, well, while at the school I met an old friend of mine. We go way back and he alwasy respected my computer knowledge and was glad to see me doing something with it. We got to talking and I showed him my business card with my company logo and told him I was making pens and thing out of wood on the side. just so happened he started collecting pens, another one of his friends there at the school collects pens and they both want to see more of what I can do. Needless to say I just happened to have the buckeye burl pen I just made with me and gave it to him for his kindness in showing me the school and getting my paperwork moved to the front of the line... It is a start and I was really glad someone liked my pens, I think I have stayed away from doing pens and the such as ajob is because it might get to the point where it wont be fun, it is so hard to find fun, work and money all wrapped up in the same place.

John Keeton
08-19-2010, 7:27 AM
Hey, Karl!! Man, that is great! Sometimes, God sets in place circumstances that encourage one to step out on faith in a new direction. His timing doesn't always match our idea of "quick enough", but it always the "right time!"

I hope all of this works out perfectly for you - in so many ways.

....it is so hard to find fun, work and money all wrapped up in the same place.I have found that if one works in a field they enjoy, the money will come. It seems that excellence follows not only hard work, but folks that are, in fact, enjoying what they do.

Mike Spanbauer
08-19-2010, 8:06 AM
Congratulations Karl. I have worked in networking my entire professional career (20yrs) and feel it still has a LOT of legs to it over the coming decades. Security and virtualization are both going to increase in criticality relative to effective network deployments - so I think you have chosen a wise path.


David E Keller
08-19-2010, 8:09 AM
I have found that if one works in a field they enjoy, the money will come. It seems that excellence follows not only hard work, but folks that are, in fact, enjoying what they do.

I couldn't agree more!

Karl, congrats on the recent events, and I hope it leads you to a place where you can be challenged and satisfied.

Roger Chandler
08-19-2010, 8:10 AM
Way to go Karl! I am so glad you have persevered through all the "down time" and I have found out that when one prays, and looks to God for help, that when one door closes, God has a new one that will open, and He is able to keep you and help you.

Not trying to get "preachy" here, but just trying to encourage you, and I know that "He" cares for all His Children.

bob svoboda
08-19-2010, 9:35 AM
Good on you Karl. The cream always rises to the top.

Bernie Weishapl
08-19-2010, 11:58 AM
Congrats Karl. I think you will find that to be a rewarding field. Glad things have worked out for you. Like Roger not to be preachy but the Good Lord will never give you more than you can handle.

Rob Cunningham
08-19-2010, 12:46 PM
That's great news, congratulations Karl. I've been down the unemployment road before, things have a way of working out for the best.

Karl Card
08-19-2010, 1:00 PM
Woodworking has shown me patience, not that I am a very patient person but much more patient than I used to be. That also with the philosophy that everything happens for a reason, you may not understand the reason at the time, but HE has a reason for you. That all combined has lead me to follow my "gut" feelings more than ever.

I am finding out that not only does 1 door open when 1 door closes, I am finding out that sometimes 2 or more doors open when one closes...

Thanks all for the postive feedback.

Steve Schlumpf
08-19-2010, 1:02 PM
Karl - what a great idea of going to college! Sounds like you know what it is you want to major in - that's always 99% of the battle! Nothing more fun than learning - when you want to know more about something! Have fun!

Happy to also hear about your pen sales! Hope it leads to many more!

Tony De Masi
08-19-2010, 4:13 PM
Congrats to you Karl. Your positive attitude is pretty palpable right through the screen.

Keep your head high, chest out, and "soldier on".


Michael James
08-19-2010, 11:23 PM
There's winners and losers out there. Glad you're not a quitter cuz you appear to have lots of heart. Long story short, I ended up in a similar situation, not unemployed but depressed, etc. in my late 30's and did a similar 180. I had skills I could get by on, but I wanted more. So I found a career path, found some funding sources, and finished my BS (who'd have guessed they would formalize it, eh?) AND got my master's in my 40's, so it can be done. I've worked hard, lived semi sensibly, pay taxes and fight for the underdog. The lathe and shop is my sanity ctr. Work hard and play hard, then turn on the lathe and get in the zone. Do try to remember this thing called balance with a family and all.
Good move!

David Christopher
08-20-2010, 9:16 AM
congrats Karl, I wish the best for you

Leo Van Der Loo
08-20-2010, 4:02 PM
Carl as is often said "God helps those that help themselves" and you will be better for it, congratulations on being positive and going for it, I wish you the best of luck.