View Full Version : Beginners problem...

Mills Snell
08-18-2010, 12:14 AM
I bought the Shop Fox 1704 off of a guy from craigslist and have been having a ton of fun with it. I was thinking that I wanted to get a chuck for it and ended up going with the Nova Precision Midi chuck.

I got it in today and was so excited. When I ran out to put it on the lathe I realized that the threads on the headstock are smaller than the threads inside the chuck.

Any suggestions? Im dying to use the thing.

Mike Willeson
08-18-2010, 12:25 AM
Depending on the size of your spindle threads and the size of the threads in the chuck, you can probably get an insert to adapt them.

Here is a link to the spindle adapters available from Penn State Industries.

I have not used them but have seen positive comments on this board. Perhaps others will chime in.


Bart Leetch
08-18-2010, 12:39 AM

This site speaks about inserts for your chuck. G0 down to the bottom of the first page to:
More on these features, please click HERE.

Go down to the middle or lower of the second page & you'll see Insert/Adaptor System .

Google is your friend.

Mills Snell
08-18-2010, 12:49 AM
I think that this sets me on the right track; however, I am not sure about what size to order. As I look at the specs for my lathe, it doesn't seem clear. Also I'm not sure how to find the size for the threads inside the chuck.

Thanks for all the help, super encouraging.

Michael James
08-18-2010, 1:10 AM
Your info on the right does not say where you are, or ever rural or urban.
If you have a Woodcraft or similar retail store they will be glad to help you even though you did not buy there. If no such store find a machine shop and they can tell you. Most of the sizes seem to be 3/4, 1" and 1 1/4' that Ive seen, but threads per inch can vary on some imports.
Good luck, a chuck will open up a whole new world for you!:)

John Keeton
08-18-2010, 5:30 AM
With a little more help from Google, apparently your spindle thread size is 3/4" x 16tpi. The Midi is available in one of three dedicated thread sizes, one of which is 3/4" x 16tpi.

Seems it would be easier/cheaper to return the Midi you bought, and get the correct one to fit the lathe. Otherwise, you need to determine which you bought, and buy the correct adapter.

Harlan Coverdale
08-18-2010, 6:54 AM
With a little more help from Google, apparently your spindle thread size is 3/4" x 16tpi. The Midi is available in one of three dedicated thread sizes, one of which is 3/4" x 16tpi.

Seems it would be easier/cheaper to return the Midi you bought, and get the correct one to fit the lathe. Otherwise, you need to determine which you bought, and buy the correct adapter.

The Teknatool website is confusing on the subject of inserts. On the surface, it looks like the Midi uses the same insert/adaptor system as their other chucks. I don't see anything saying it only comes in three dedicated thread sizes, but it does say this on the Midi page:

"Only NOVA Chucks give you the same jaw fixing system and same insert/adaptor system across all chuck models."

On the other hand, I see Woodcraft seems to only list it with the 1" x 8tpi thread. And Craft Supplies has this blurb:

"Direct threaded to 1"-8 TPI. Note: Does not accept threaded inserts."

So depending on which source a person believes, it might be capable of taking the regular Nova inserts. Otherwise, it's gonna need a spindle adaptor like the ones Penn states sells, or as you suggested, the OP should just exchange it for something else that does fit.

John Keeton
08-18-2010, 7:12 AM
Harlan, it appears you are correct on the use of adapters for the Midi - it is thread specific.

I did find this on the Teknatool site - and, yes, they certainly could use some help in the "navigational area!!" They seem to have info scattered all over the place.

Looks like the only option is to return it for the proper size. I suspect that Woodcraft and others may carry just the most popular size for the new midi lathes since that seems to account for most of the usage with this chuck.

Bill Blasic
08-18-2010, 8:03 AM
The precision midi has a 1" 8 thread and does not use the feature that allows different size inserts. An adapter is needed for your lathe unless you get a hold of Tim Geist on (304) 295-8166
or email to Tvgeistmfg@aol.com
Tim had the last time I talked to him a midi with 3/4" X 16 thread priced very reasonably. I suggest you contact Tim and if he still has them return your precision midi.

Mills Snell
08-18-2010, 8:45 AM
Hey Guys,

Thanks so much for the info, and thanks for that guys contact information. I just sent him an email so hopefully I will hear back from him soon.

As I have been browsing I saw this? Would this work? It says that it is specifically for the WoodRiver Turning Chuck...

Just curious. I'll let you all know how it turns out with this other fella.