View Full Version : Grizzly price increases

Butch Collins
12-10-2004, 3:02 PM
Does anyone know how much the 1023SL is going up after the first of the year? I am interested in getting one but the bonus doesn't come in until end of february, and still trying to convince LOML.

Scott Coffelt
12-10-2004, 3:20 PM
My guess would be 10-15% or maybe even as much as 20% based on what I saw earlier this year from Jet and Delta. I saw two price increases within a month at Woodcrafts would said their costs increased, but times it was int he neighborhood of 5-10%.

If you can swing it, I would do it now versus waiting. Who knows the shipping charges could also increase.

So you may be able to figure around $100-125 increase let's say. That much worth it too you?

Kent Cori
12-10-2004, 3:21 PM
Griz has stated they are going to raise their prices on 1/1/05. Given the fact that steel has gone up by over 21% in the past year (my firm tracks this kind of stuff), I suspect they will. Buy now! :cool:

Jerry Olexa
12-10-2004, 4:28 PM
Butch, based on current economic trends and fuel costs, I'd buy before 1/1/05