View Full Version : Birch Bowl for a Nice lady

steven carter
08-16-2010, 1:20 PM
White birch of any size in my area is almost non-existant, but a friend of my wife had a large one cut down in her front yard and she let me get the wood. This has some slight spalting, and hopefully the rest of the wood will spalt some more. I made her this bowl with 2 more to come for each of her kids. It ended up 12" x 4", home brew oil, beall buffed and ren waxed. I just love the way this wood cuts and finishes.

Thanks for looking,


Patrick Doody
08-16-2010, 1:29 PM
Hey Steve, Great Looking bowl!

My dad has about 700 acres up north and white birch seems to be the best option for turning wood up there, so that's what I've been turning since I've got my lathe earlier this year, I've turned a few other types of wood, but so far the birch is my favorite, which is good, because i have pretty much a lifetime supply of it. one observation... it seems to go punky if it sits around too long, but maybe it's just that particular tree that I harvested.

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2010, 1:40 PM
That is a great looking bowl. I really like the simple form.

bob svoboda
08-16-2010, 1:40 PM
Nice bowl and you've gotta love that wood.

Sean Hughto
08-16-2010, 2:02 PM
Good on ya, mate!

I love nice simple utility bowls from stout and attractive woods. That's a great one.

David E Keller
08-16-2010, 8:11 PM
Nicely done and a nice gesture of thanks for the wood received.

John Keeton
08-16-2010, 9:15 PM
I turned a birch bowl from a piece sent to me early on by Steve Schlumpf - and, you are right, it is sweet wood to turn.

This is a very nice bowl, beautiful form. She will be pleased!

charlie knighton
08-16-2010, 9:17 PM
very nice.....

Leo Van Der Loo
08-17-2010, 1:06 AM
That's some good looking Birch and you made a pretty nice bowl from it Steven, thanks for showing ;-))

Rob Cunningham
08-17-2010, 12:41 PM
Good looking bowl Steve, and a nice gesture giving back to her.

Gary Conklin
08-17-2010, 1:01 PM
That is a great looking bowl. Love that smooth clean curve, and this is one of my favorite bowl shapes. Wood looks good too!!:)