View Full Version : Beech vase of spalted punky wood.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-16-2010, 12:19 PM
This is more a show of a futile attempt to shape wood that is gone bad, rather than the piece itself ;)

I had to move a big plastic bag with some wood in it that had been sitting too long and was in my way, so did that and had a look what was in there, couldn't tell for sure, bandsawed some ends and sides off and found it to be Beech that I had been given by my brother a big while back :o

It was spongy all over but there was one side that seemed still more solid, anyway I decided to try and find out what the wood would look like and if I could shape it.

At 1800 rpm a sharp skew made a rough surface, and there was another soft spot at one end, jacked the speed up to 4000 and tried a spindle gouge, better cut but still rough, honed a skew and another try, very fine cuts and slow feeding it made a somewhat better surface, OK so shaped it into a vase, kind off, and a tenon with CA hardenedto hold it.

Now drilling, drilled partway with a 5/8 forstner bit and then the rest to the bottom with a 1/2" twist drill bit, that did work not too bad and the tenon didn't get twisted off, then opened the neck up using a small spindle gouge while steadying by hand (hot at 4000rpm :eek:) the end as the soft wood couldn't be held very well, I stuck a dowel in the hole flipped it around and held the piece that way in the chuck with the tenon steadied by the tailstock center.

Now sanding and I got it decent but an oil finish wasn't going to do it, so after one coat of tung I decided to use CA as a finish, it did fill the roughness and after 3 coats I called it quits, this wasn't ever going to be a beauty but at least I had been able to use at least a small part of this wood and made it into some semblance of a Vase.

Life is too short for .................., but it can help you to get a better turner I think, and can be just fun to fool around for a change :rolleyes: :D

There's this small nub that was the tenon and I cut that off with a skew, it give you some idea of the woods condition;)
158497 158498 158499 158500

bob svoboda
08-16-2010, 12:33 PM
I like it Leo. A great testament to your skill AND persistence. Lots going on with that grain.

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2010, 1:48 PM
Really a nice piece Leo. I really like the wood.

steven carter
08-16-2010, 1:49 PM

You did a great job with what you had to work with! I've not turned any beech yet, but would like to when I come across some. I know life is too short, but sometimes there is a piece of wood that you just need to find out if you can make something decent out of it, if for nothing else than the challenge. You are the victor my friend!


David E Keller
08-16-2010, 8:19 PM
Way to stick with it. I get into a sadomasochistic mood occasionally with a bit of punky wood, but my efforts rarely turn out looking that good.

John Keeton
08-16-2010, 9:09 PM
Leo, I admire your efforts and the result! Perhaps this piece should be entitled "Perseverance!":D

James Combs
08-16-2010, 11:59 PM
It turned out nice Leo. The spalting and the turning process you had to use reminds me of the spalted maple that I used to turn my "Aladdin's Other Lamp" and the "Mini Vase". I had to use my 80 grit "gouge" on both of them.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-17-2010, 12:34 AM
I like it Leo. A great testament to your skill AND persistence. Lots going on with that grain.

Thanks Bob :), maybe that would be too stubborn to give in :D

Really a nice piece Leo. I really like the wood.

Thanks Bernie :D, though I think I made better looking ones, at least I like them better ;)


You did a great job with what you had to work with! I've not turned any beech yet, but would like to when I come across some. I know life is too short, but sometimes there is a piece of wood that you just need to find out if you can make something decent out of it, if for nothing else than the challenge. You are the victor my friend!


Steve thanks :), Beech I have turned a few times before, it is a wood not many like to work with, as it is a real challenge to get dry without splitting as it moves a lot, and keeps on moving, most Beech you see used is European Beech that is steamed to get around that problem.
It hasn't got a lot of character either IMO, just some small specks and sometimes a slight pink color to it, though it is a dense wood and good for a lot of things like mallets, spoons and other things like that.

Way to stick with it. I get into a sadomasochistic mood occasionally with a bit of punky wood, but my efforts rarely turn out looking that good.

Thank you David :), I guess that is something we as turners do need quite often, sticking with it that is :D, and yes just turning it even when you know it's not going to be the best thing to do, just to do it anyway :eek: ;) :D

It turned out nice Leo. The spalting and the turning process you had to use reminds me of the spalted maple that I used to turn my "Aladdin's Other Lamp" and the "Mini Vase". I had to use my 80 grit "gouge" on both of them.

Thanks James :D, it did turn out better than expected though not the best one ever ;) :D.
The CA really saved the day on this one, as it made it possible to use the sandpaper without tearing it all to shreds, next piece like this is going in the fireplace,...... I think :eek: