View Full Version : Milady

Lionel Mercier
08-14-2010, 8:21 AM
Hello all Creekers,
With another yew piece (I've fun with...)
Like the former tea pot and Tokkuri, idea is from the work of Tom Crabb.
but I remembered when I saw a piece of Jo Winter (a German turner) on the AAW
He named his piece "Lady in black"
So, obviously I call mine Milady...de Winter* of course !
H 96mm X dia 83mm
* see Alexandre Dumas - Les trois mousquetaires
Friendly, Lionel

Tom Sherman
08-14-2010, 9:10 AM
Wow Lionel, that is soo cool. Makes my knuckles hurt just lookin at it though :) Great work

Jon Prouty
08-14-2010, 9:50 AM
really interesting piece... I'm really liking it.


David E Keller
08-14-2010, 10:01 AM
Another nice looking piece, Lionel. I've really enjoy seeing this series come to life.

Bernie Weishapl
08-14-2010, 10:25 AM
Lionel that is a beauty. Really well done.

Steve Schlumpf
08-14-2010, 10:30 AM
Lionel - sure like your use of imagination! Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Dennis Ford
08-14-2010, 11:44 AM
Very impressive piece, technically challenging and it shows good design.

Paul Douglass
08-14-2010, 12:10 PM
That is surely impressive! I just don't get tired of looking at what people come up with on this forum. I don't think I will live long enough to get to the level people are here. Maybe if I spent more time at the lathe and less time looking and dreaming.

Nice work.

Mark Hubl
08-14-2010, 12:17 PM
This are very interesting. Very nice piece.

Pete Jordan
08-14-2010, 12:47 PM

I would love to see a video of that being turned.

Frank Van Atta
08-14-2010, 8:04 PM
A beautiful and well done piece. Every time I see one of these beautiful vases I tell myself I'm going to turn one. Apparently, there's quite a distance between tellin' and doin' - I haven't turned one, yet.

Lionel Mercier
08-15-2010, 4:16 AM
Hello all
Many thanks for your comments.
@ Pete:
no movie but some pictures taken when I did turn.
on the firsth 23, I turn a recess for the stebcentre in order to safely offset turn
all other pictures speak by itself.
@ Frank:
Have a try !
Friendly, Lionel

Dennis Ford
08-15-2010, 7:37 AM
Thanks for the "how-to" picture sequence. I will be looking for the right piece of wood to try this on.

James Combs
08-15-2010, 8:16 AM
Intriguing to say the least. Is the whole thing hollow? What's the wall thickness if so?