View Full Version : Need a third hand during glue ups! TIP

Mark Singer
12-10-2004, 12:21 AM
It seems like you need al the help you can get when your gluing things up. If you need th protect the edges you will need a block or caul so the clamp does not distort or break the corner or edge. If you save your cut offs from when you make picture frames, they can hang on the work piece until you place and tighten the clamp. Otherwise you have 4 things plus the clamp yo handel and the blocks keep falling down. It is a simple tip but very handy to remeber. If you send this in to FWW and win the LN plane ....please at least send me a picture of it....and thanks:D

Jim Becker
12-10-2004, 9:22 AM
Excellent tip...and if one doesn't have any picture frame scraps, making l-shaped cauls like this is easy at the table saw with scrap 6/4 and/or 8/4 material.

Ted Shrader
12-10-2004, 9:56 AM
Jim -

That is exactly what I do also. Doesn't even need to be 6 or 8 quarter thick. Just run a quick two-cut rabbet on the table saw.
