View Full Version : If the price was the same, which one would you pick?

John Gregory
08-12-2010, 11:11 AM
I bought the Earlex HV 3500 for $149. I have not unpacked it yet. We toolaholics often have buyers regret and wonder if we should have bought the next model up. In this case the HV5000, for $340.

The HV3500 is Earlex's newest model. The main feature that I like is the CFM is 43 psi is 2, the hv500 is 24 cfm and 2 psi. The 3500 will spray more viscus material, 160-180 seconds viscosity. The 5000 up to 60 seconds viscosity.

The 5000 has a professional spray pot the 3500 a very nice plastic one with good features. the 5000 seems more durable and has a longer air hose.

The only advantage to the 3500 that I can see is the higher CFMs allowing one to spray more viscus materials without thinning.

For the most part I see myself spray material such as MiniWax Polycrylic or EM6000. And maybe some latex paint at times.

If there were no price difference, which would you choose? Many of you have much more experience in spraying and I appreciate your insight.


Tony Bilello
08-12-2010, 6:14 PM
and use it almost every day in a commercial woodworking business. I spray pre-catalyzed lacquer almost exclusively. Often I spray colors which are thicker than the clear coats. I still have to thin everything out a little except for the vinyl sealer. That is the only thing I spray straight from the can except of course NGR stain which is an alcohol based dye.
I am not familiar with the other models so I can't help you there. I am very big on always get the better model. There is a reason it cost more.
As far as the longer hose - the hose will never be long enough. Better keep that in mind if you work alone and dont have someone there to move the unit around behind you. I think my hose is 13' not sure. When spraying furniture it ain't all that long considering all the movement you will be doing. I would not recommend anything shorter than that.
Hope this info was helpful to you.

John Gregory
08-12-2010, 6:34 PM
Thanks Tony,
There are so many good reviews on he HV5000 and I find nothing but praise for it.

Your input is very much appreciated.


and use it almost every day in a commercial woodworking business. I spray pre-catalyzed lacquer almost exclusively. Often I spray colors which are thicker than the clear coats. I still have to thin everything out a little except for the vinyl sealer. That is the only thing I spray straight from the can except of course NGR stain which is an alcohol based dye.
I am not familiar with the other models so I can't help you there. I am very big on always get the better model. There is a reason it cost more.
As far as the longer hose - the hose will never be long enough. Better keep that in mind if you work alone and dont have someone there to move the unit around behind you. I think my hose is 13' not sure. When spraying furniture it ain't all that long considering all the movement you will be doing. I would not recommend anything shorter than that.
Hope this info was helpful to you.