View Full Version : BLO removal problem

Keith Nordyke
08-12-2010, 12:33 AM
I recently had my wood floors refinished. About a week after the floors were done, I (with some assistance from unskilled labor) lightly steelwooled, then wiped BLO on the rail and spindles on a very old staircase. The "help" was not careful and there are numerous spots of BLO on the freshly finished floor. I note that I can rub it up and off with a finger but that is too much effort for larger areas. How do I get this stuff up? Thanks

Scott Holmes
08-12-2010, 12:42 PM
You already know the answer. It will be a lot of work.

How, when and with what was the floor finished?

Fully cured (30+ days) poly on the floor will not be harmed with mineral spirits. MS should make it a bit easier to remove the BLO on the floor.

Keith Nordyke
08-12-2010, 5:05 PM
The last coat of poly was down about a week when the BLO was used. It has been about three weeks now. I MAY try the MS on a small area and see what it does. Thanks