View Full Version : Blank Sheet Of Paper - H.O.A. Finally Says Yes!!

Joe Angrisani
08-10-2010, 11:47 PM
Some of you may recall my post about general shop planning questions (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=138025) back in May. I've just come home from the HOA's Architectural Committee meeting, and they have said "YES" to my 24'x32' attached workshop, 10' ceilings and everything!!!

It only took them 2-1/2 months since I submitted everything, but I'm not complaining since the end result was positive. And I've been plenty busy on the house renovations so I hardly noticed the delay.

Thanks again to everyone who helped in my figuring-out stage. I just had to say something here on the Creek about the shop's approval, since this is a group that understands the happiness their simple three-letter answer puts in motion.

Let the fun begin for real with the County and the hoops! :)

Ken Fitzgerald
08-10-2010, 11:57 PM
Cograts Joe!

Let the fun begin!

Rod Sheridan
08-11-2010, 8:50 AM
Excellent news Joe, I'm green with envy............Regards, Rod.

alex grams
08-12-2010, 8:43 AM
congrats. How much of the work are you doing yourself? I am curious as to your total costs for the project.

I didn't see anything about air conditioning/heating the shop, but you are in Colorado, so maybe you don't need cooling.

Very impressive. I would love to see some plans when you get them and some progress pictures.

Joe Angrisani
08-12-2010, 2:56 PM
I am having the entire "shell" built to bare studs. From excavation through shingles. Then I'll do electrical, lighting, drywall, etc.

I don't really have equipment laid out yet, except ideas in my head. The table saw and it's extension table will go center-shop. My 8' workbench will be in front of my 12' bank of north-facing windows (love that indirect light!). Ten foot ceilings, 2x6 walls, 8' high overhead door, back door onto patio. Other than that, who knows.

No air conditioning. As you said, we simply don't need it here. Heat will probably be a gas heater hanging from the ceiling.

Prashun Patel
08-12-2010, 3:09 PM
I hope you post lotsa pix. I need my shop porn!

Don Bullock
08-18-2010, 10:06 PM
Wow Joe, that's great news. I hope you really thanked the HOA. They can be very restrictive. I recently heard about one that didn't allow home owners to drive an SUV into the neighborhood.

Chuck Gallup
09-11-2010, 9:56 AM
I've just come home from the HOA's Architectural Committee meeting, and they have said "YES" to my 24'x32' attached workshop, 10' ceilings and everything!!!

It only took them 2-1/2 months since I submitted everything, but I'm not complaining since the end result was positive.

I'm in the process of designing and building my own shop.
Other than paying a fee based on square footing and truss electrical inspection and proving I am building on my own property.....it remains a simple matter.

I think I would be homicidal if an outside agency told me what I could or couldn't do on my own property.
Somehow your post brought the fiercely independent politician out of me.

It sickens me that an American citizen, a creative individual and producer such as yourself are reduced to "obtaining permission" by a herd of grass eating cows.

The result was positive in this case.

What if the result was negative?


Gordon Eyre
09-11-2010, 9:58 AM
Congratulations on the approval of your plans. Sounds like a great will soon be in progress.

Jim O'Dell
09-11-2010, 10:54 AM
I say get the shell build quick so they can't change their minds! :eek: Nah, just teasing.
I too look forward to the shop build. Again, remember to document with pictures. 8 or 10 each day will suffice. :rolleyes: Jim.

Thomas Bank
09-11-2010, 11:30 AM
It sickens me that an American citizen, a creative individual and producer such as yourself are reduced to "obtaining permission" by a herd of grass eating cows.

As an architect and a member of our local planning commission, a recent quote delivered with some level of jest comes to mind:

The purpose of zoning and building regulations is not to protect you but to protect your neighbors from you.

Sitting on the planning commission really opens your eyes go certain things. As with most regulations, a person's independence to do as they please ends where they start to affect those around them. Deciding that you want to drive on the wrong side of the road is fine if you're the only one on the road. Add several thousand other motorists and you have a problem...

Phillip Pardue
11-02-2010, 1:04 PM
I'm in the process of designing and building my own shop.
Other than paying a fee based on square footing and truss electrical inspection and proving I am building on my own property.....it remains a simple matter.

I think I would be homicidal if an outside agency told me what I could or couldn't do on my own property.
Somehow your post brought the fiercely independent politician out of me.

It sickens me that an American citizen, a creative individual and producer such as yourself are reduced to "obtaining permission" by a herd of grass eating cows.

The result was positive in this case.

What if the result was negative?


I couldn't agree more. I will never buy property that has any form of HOA or POA associated with it. I suppose there are people who are ok with spending their hard earned money such that others can dictate its use but I am not one.

Sorry for the continued hijack but I, also, cannot remain silent.

Rod Sheridan
11-02-2010, 2:35 PM
Phillip, when you buy in an area that has an HOA, you know what you're getting into.

I live in a townhouse complex governed by a similar body to an HOA and it does provide protection from people who want to build something that would be out of place, or detrimental to the neighbours.

It restricts what you can do, however only in a manner to which the members have voted to accept.

In that sense, it's identical to our society at large, a few restrictions for those who can't govern themselves with due consideration for others.

Of course, some people find those restrictions onerous and choose to live elsewhere, which is fine, everyone gets what they want.

Regards, Rod.

Joe Angrisani
11-22-2010, 3:29 AM
Sorry Chuck and Phillip: Rod's dead-on. I like the HOA our neighborhood is under, and it's one of the main reasons we bought here.