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View Full Version : Corel and marquetry question

Bob Rath
08-09-2010, 9:15 PM
After performing a PowerTrace on a photo in Corel X4, there are often a large number of curves of many different colors shown in the Object Manager. If I want to sort/order/accumulate the curves by color to simplify the lasering process, is there a way to do it? For example if I want all "brown' tones together in the object manager so I can put them on a layer called Walnut so I can reorient the curves to take advantage of grain direction etc and then burn them all at once it would be very helpful. I just can't see any "sort" function that allows for the ordering of curves. As always, your help is appreciated. Thanx

Rodne Gold
08-10-2010, 2:55 AM
Use the find objects function in Corel , you can find objects based on any parameter (like find all closed objects with a hairline line width and that are blue)
The find objects is under edit/find and replace objects/find objects
You will see the dialog come up on start a new search.
You can group and manipulate the objects you find - VERY useful tool.