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View Full Version : How hot is it where you are?

Allen Neighbors
08-03-2010, 7:06 PM
In Texas, this is what they found at 3:PM. :D

patrick michael stein
08-03-2010, 7:22 PM
hi allen,

86 today not to humid .:)


Alan Trout
08-03-2010, 7:23 PM
Yep, I was standing next to it before that happened. You need to be on a roof about 4:00PM this afternoon like I was. Pretty miserable.


David Christopher
08-03-2010, 7:26 PM
It's so hot here that the devil moved up north

103 with 119 heat index and 85% humidity

Gary Max
08-03-2010, 7:30 PM
98 degrees, heat index 104 --- guess who's doing a outdoor show all week

Where's my sign

Ron Jones near Indy
08-03-2010, 7:30 PM
Only 92 with heat index of 107.

Richard Madden
08-03-2010, 7:42 PM
The high today was 102. Heat index....hot.

Tony Wheeler
08-03-2010, 7:46 PM
dont know but at 6:45 it's still 107 who cares what the heat index is but we did grill burgers on the sidewalk for supper

David E Keller
08-03-2010, 7:48 PM
It was 105 here today and windy... It feels like the inside of a convection oven.

Gary Herrmann
08-03-2010, 8:13 PM
102 degrees, I think the heat index was 111. So glad I have a basement shop. If I could only find the time to get down there these days...

John Hart
08-03-2010, 8:14 PM
Right now...about 76...a little breeze...sun setting into a partly cloudy reddish sky

Birds chirping...pheasant crowing...guinea hen cackling. All in all....a pretty good day. :)

Pete Jordan
08-03-2010, 8:20 PM
Mr. Hart,

You are a trouble maker!

It is 79 here and 92 tomorrow.

brian watts
08-03-2010, 8:30 PM
iam in MS working right now and it was 106 at 12.30 pm when i went to lunch. way to hot for me..

Charlie Reals
08-03-2010, 8:42 PM
It got up to 85 today butt now it is 80 in the shade with a very nice breeze blowing through the house. Nice sleeping tonight.

Donny Lawson
08-03-2010, 9:51 PM
98 and very,very, hot. It's suppose to be 99 tomorrow. My garden and yard is crunchy.We need some slow steady rain bad.

charlie knighton
08-03-2010, 9:51 PM
it was cloudy today, we had a break earlier this week, it started heating back up about noon, tomorrow 92 with thunderstorms which do not cool but make it like a sauna

south central virginia

Ken Fitzgerald
08-03-2010, 9:53 PM
94ºF temperature and about the same for heat index. Very low humidity here as normal.....25%.

Quail running through the yards but no stinking guineas or pheasants.

RL Johnson
08-03-2010, 9:57 PM
It is a cool 105 down from a 106 yesterday. :eek:

Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2010, 10:02 PM
88 here today but the humidity has been unreal especially here in western Kansas where we have 10 to 15 percent humidity not the 60 to 80 percent we have been having.

John Hart
08-03-2010, 10:19 PM
94ºF temperature and about the same for heat index. Very low humidity here as normal.....25%.

Quail running through the yards but no stinking guineas or pheasants.

LOL:D Best laugh I had all night!! Thank you :)

Cathy Schaewe
08-03-2010, 11:05 PM
102 degrees, I think the heat index was 111. So glad I have a basement shop. If I could only find the time to get down there these days...

When I lived in St. Louis, and had just bought my house, we had something like 47 days in a row over a hundred.
And I was clearing the jungle from the yard and trying to study for the bar. I used to say St. Louis was built over He!!. I miss it, though ....

Cathy Schaewe
08-03-2010, 11:11 PM
94ºF temperature and about the same for heat index. Very low humidity here as normal.....25%.

Quail running through the yards but no stinking guineas or pheasants.

Never noticed that guineas stank, or pheasants, for that matter. Of course, we have a seriously devoted bird dog.
Anything with wings - or anything interesting at all, such as her sister (the sheltie) - gets pointed and chased. And frequently caught and eaten (yuck). :eek:

what does this have to do with turning? life is too short, and we may as well share the other parts of our lives as well .... (JMO - must be feeling philosophical this evening :rolleyes:)

Terry Gerros
08-03-2010, 11:24 PM
It started at about 55 this morning and got to a blistering 85 with minimal humidity. I can barely stand this heat wave.

John Beaver
08-03-2010, 11:43 PM
Summer forgot to show up here on the So Cal Coast
I'd be surprised if it even reached 70 today. More like 68. But I live pretty close to the ocean.

Driving to Vegas last week it hit 117.

Edward Bartimmo
08-03-2010, 11:47 PM
pulled out of parking garage for lunch and the temp meter inside my truck jumped to 104 the moment the truck pulled into the sun. Dehumidifier in the garage has pulled +12 gallons of water out of air in garage in past 2 days.

Last weekend I was foolish enough to be working in attic....this weekend I opted to scuba dive. Burned my feet on the sidewalk...just like when we were kids running between lawns trying to get to the neighborhood pool.

Kirk Miller
08-04-2010, 12:34 AM
Don't know how hot it is, but I am an Alaskan in Denver CO. It feels HAWT!

Ernie Kuhn
08-04-2010, 12:53 AM
Mid 90's, humidity aroung 18%. Low 60's overnight.
SE Wshington....................State.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-04-2010, 1:15 AM
Never noticed that guineas stank, or pheasants, for that matter. Of course, we have a seriously devoted bird dog.
Anything with wings - or anything interesting at all, such as her sister (the sheltie) - gets pointed and chased. And frequently caught and eaten (yuck). :eek:

what does this have to do with turning? life is too short, and we may as well share the other parts of our lives as well .... (JMO - must be feeling philosophical this evening :rolleyes:)


I was slinging mud at John Hart and he did pick up on it.

We have quite a bit of bird hunting locally....5 types of grouse, pheasant, 2 types of quail and chuckar......

I haven't hunted birds in years.

neil mackay
08-04-2010, 6:23 AM
weather in Sydney Australia over the next few days....cold! but starting to warm up :)

59°F | °C (http://www.google.com.au/setprefs?fheit=0&sig=0_GztrBJn6yCQRYadYRJ4tKiRQu8g=&prev=http://www.google.com.au/%23hl%3Den%26source%3Dhp%26q%3Dsydney%2Bweather%26 aq%3D1%26aqi%3Dg10%26gs_rfai%3D%26fp%3D77d55d49a5d 5bdc&sa=X&ei=Qj9ZTJzDCcWPcbS3udEI&ved=0CCMQwwQ)
Current: Partly Cloudy
Wind: N at 10 km/h
Humidity: 63%

64°F | 44°F
59°F | 43°F
62°F | 42°F
60°F | 42°F

John A. Callaway
08-04-2010, 6:30 AM
down here, It isnt so much the heat....although it gets pretty hot...It's the afternoon rain that turns the ground into a steam machine once the rain quits.... You just stand outside and you sweat .... High nineties with 90 % to 95% humidity after a storm.... The afternoon haze of hot moist air just ruins any outdoor activity

and dont even get me started about how hot it gets out on the railroad tracks. maybe it is psychological, but I swear it is 20 degrees hotter at work.

Steve R Baker
08-04-2010, 7:33 AM
Next winter we will ask how cold it is where you are at? 100+ for several days in HOT sunny Florida.

Hilel Salomon
08-04-2010, 8:25 AM
Here in S.Carolina, they changed the signs on the bridges to read;
"Bridges melt before Road does"


Larry Pickering
08-04-2010, 9:56 AM
Temp in New Orleans 100 degrees, dew point 80, heat index..crappy

David Epperson
08-04-2010, 10:37 AM
105°F - 115°F Heat Index
I think the heat index hit 122°F a couple of days ago.

bob svoboda
08-04-2010, 11:11 AM
I love the picture. It has been about 65 degrees here with the marine layer firmly in place-would like to see the sun, but y'all can have the 100+.

ray hampton
08-04-2010, 11:44 AM
I am glad for the extra heat ---keep the number of bugs down

David Walser
08-04-2010, 12:25 PM
Come on guys, it's unseemly for you (you all, for you all down in Texas) to be complaining about the heat. It's supposed to get up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit in Mesa, Arizona today -- about 10 degrees cooler than it was a few days ago. And yes, while it's drier here than many other places, this is when the humidity is at its highest. So you could add a few degrees to those temperatures for the heat index.

You don't hear those of us in Arizona complaining about the heat, do you?

http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=143106 Um. Well then. Never mind.

Jerome Hanby
08-04-2010, 1:09 PM
Remember way back when the economic professors said you couldn't have recession and inflation at the same time...'til President Carter proved them wrong? Well we're working on disproving that you can't have the temperature and humidity at 100+ at the same time :eek:

Rod Sheridan
08-04-2010, 1:09 PM
29C temperature, 40C humidex reading.

(That's about 84/104F).

Regards, Rod.

Roger Newby
08-04-2010, 1:27 PM
Saw a dog chasin' a cat........and they were both walkin'

Jerome Hanby
08-04-2010, 1:32 PM
I saw the ladies garden club having a meeting outdoors and ...well... you remember that scene with the Nazis at the end of Raiders after they open the ark...

Belinda Barfield
08-04-2010, 2:36 PM
87, heat index 96. I'm at work, in a metal building, surrounded by black asphalt, no AC . . . heat index miserable.

Joe Pelonio
08-04-2010, 2:43 PM
Can't get much better than this, nearly noon and slightly overcast at 75F, with the parade of Navy and Coast Guard vessels about to pass by the office window on Elliot Bay, and the Blue Angels in town for a weekend air show.

Bryan Morgan
08-04-2010, 2:49 PM
Mid 70's to 80 and sunny with slight ocean breeze. Ahhhh very comfortable. :)

Myk Rian
08-04-2010, 2:51 PM
90deg and humid today. Heat index 100. I like to stay in the garage tinkering with stuff. Wife stays indoors with the AC.

Got back from 4 days on Mackinac Island Mon. It was great there. 19 family and friends.

John Hart
08-04-2010, 3:29 PM
I thought this was funny. This happened just 10 minutes ago, and I just had to take a picture and post it.

We live out in the middle of nowhere, with a driveway that is 1/4 mile long....and here comes the ice cream truck and my girls come screaming, "Daddy daddy...the ice cream truck!!...can we get some ice cream!!!!?"

I coulda sworn that it was all of a sudden 10 years ago..and my girls were 5 years old again. :)

Jim Rimmer
08-04-2010, 3:59 PM
Right now...about 76...a little breeze...sun setting into a partly cloudy reddish sky

Birds chirping...pheasant crowing...guinea hen cackling. All in all....a pretty good day. :)
YOU SUCK! :D See additonal thread about appropriateness of gloats. This surely is one.

Jim Rimmer
08-04-2010, 4:00 PM
It got up to 85 today butt now it is 80 in the shade with a very nice breeze blowing through the house. Nice sleeping tonight.
Is the rest of you in the shade, too. :D (Sorry, i couldn't help it.)

Jim Rimmer
08-04-2010, 4:07 PM
I left a butane ciagerette lighter on the console of my truck yesterday and it exploded (thankfully I wasn't in the truck). Don't care what Mythbusters say, it happened to me.

Colin Giersberg
08-04-2010, 8:02 PM
103 with a heat index around 110. We are in the middle of paving season, so we are standing on top of and beside asphalt that is 300+ degrees on its own. Factor in the humidity, plus the rollers going back and forth, with water spraying on the roller drums and turning to steam instantly and no wind, and very little shade, and you get a really pleasant combination. Now do this for 11 - 12 hours a day, all week for several weeks on end, and you could say that we are baked, boiled, poached, roasted and fried, all at the same time.

Have a nice day.

Chris Walls
08-05-2010, 11:01 PM
Yeah, It's hot here too. All the way up to 78 today, expected to break 80 tomorrow. Chance of rain. Does anyone want to compare snow total's with me ? We generally get in excess of 250 " of snow a season. I've got a 6' snow blower on the front of my tractor to take care of it.


Bryan Morgan
08-06-2010, 2:29 AM
Yeah, It's hot here too. All the way up to 78 today, expected to break 80 tomorrow. Chance of rain. Does anyone want to compare snow total's with me ? We generally get in excess of 250 " of snow a season. I've got a 6' snow blower on the front of my tractor to take care of it.


This snow stuff you speak of... its the white cold stuff isn't it? Sometimes I see it in the far off distance on the very top of mountains. :D

George Sanders
08-06-2010, 7:30 AM
It's so hot I saw a tree and a fireplug fighting over a dog!:D

Gene Howe
08-06-2010, 8:50 AM
For the last 3 weeks it's been around 85 for a high and high 60s at night. Coolest summer since we moved here from S. AZ 14 years ago.
Monsoon season is here and we love it!:D

David G Baker
08-06-2010, 11:05 PM
11:08 PM here in Mid Michigan and it is 52 degrees out. The coolest it has been in more than a month.

Dan Mages
08-07-2010, 7:13 AM
Blimey, it's hot in here, Bruce.
Hot enough to boil a monkey's bum!

Mike Henderson
08-07-2010, 1:11 PM
Alastair Cook did a TV series some time back called "America". It was a view of America through the eyes of an Englishman.

He remarked in the series that his favorite newspaper headline was from a San Francisco paper that said, "Seventy Again Tomorrow - No Relief in Sight."

That's the kind of weather I want. I hate hot weather.


Dave Lehnert
08-07-2010, 1:42 PM
Here is Cincinnati the forecast has us at 99-100 next week
If you never experienced the humidity in Cincinnati you can't understand how bad it can be.

David G Baker
08-07-2010, 1:44 PM
People die in San Francisco when the temp reaches the 90's. Back in the 80's I covered the Giants games at Candlestick, if I didn't wear thermal long johns and a heavy coat I would have suffered with hypothermia. Mark Twain was right when he wrote "the coldest Winter I have ever experienced was Summer in San Francisco". May not be his exact words but the meaning is there.

Charlie Reals
08-07-2010, 1:54 PM
People die in San Francisco when the temp reaches the 90's. Back in the 80's I covered the Giants games at Candlestick, if I didn't wear thermal long johns and a heavy coat I would have suffered with hypothermia. Mark Twain was right when he wrote "the coldest Winter I have ever experienced was Summer in San Francisco". May not be his exact words but the meaning is there.

Growing up in Oakland I loved the weather.It gave me a million laughs watching the tourists freeze their butt off in July. The hottest time of the year was always September just after school went back.
It's 64 on my back porch.
Oh, by the way David, 90 on Market street with the humidity is not fun :D:D

Jim Koepke
08-07-2010, 6:54 PM
Back in the 80's I covered the Giants games at Candlestick, if I didn't wear thermal long johns and a heavy coat I would have suffered with hypothermia.

I recall an extra inning game at Candlestick one evening a friend and I attended. We were awarded the Croix De Candlestick for staying to the bitter cold end. I think it was in August.


Here in the south west area of Washington, it has been cool out. I was chopping some fire wood and it started to rain. Been a light mist to light rain most of the day.
