View Full Version : What are the chances ...

Cathy Schaewe
08-01-2010, 12:27 PM
that this will dry without cracking? Slim? None? :confused:

I have a ton of this oak burl, so I thought I'd just turn a piece and see what happened. It was flexing all over the place at the end, so there's plenty of tool marks. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to sand them out if it dries okay. Next piece I'll leave the bark on, if this works out.

It's currently wrapped in newspaper and buried in its own shavings. Any advice is appreciated.

John Hart
08-01-2010, 12:33 PM
Just gorgeous. I don't really like to turn oak, but I sure like the burls. You have a very nice one there Cathy.

I've had a bunch of different experiences with it, and just to look at it in a picture, it looks like it'll do OK. You might get some surface cracks, but they'll sand out. It's pretty tough stuff. Good Luck! :)

David E Keller
08-01-2010, 12:42 PM
It's gorgeous looking stuff... I hope it survives.

The piece you sent me is really interesting looking(the packages arrived yesterday:D:D), and I may give it a go today. Thanks for the goodies:D, and let us know how the burl turns out.

Cathy Schaewe
08-01-2010, 12:46 PM
It's gorgeous looking stuff... I hope it survives.

The piece you sent me is really interesting looking(the packages arrived yesterday:D:D), and I may give it a go today. Thanks for the goodies:D, and let us know how the burl turns out.

After seeing all the cherry John Hart sent you, I figured mine would just get lost in the pile! I have plenty more of the oak if you want it. Here's just one of the trees out there ...

David DeCristoforo
08-01-2010, 1:32 PM
I would love to get some nice oak burl pieces. If you want to, PM me and maybe we can make a deal...

Curt Fuller
08-01-2010, 2:29 PM
That just might stay together. With the grain going is so many directions, the tug and pull of the drying process just might be lessened enough to keep it from cracking. Cross your fingers.

Dennis Ford
08-01-2010, 2:39 PM
I think it has a pretty good chance unless there are hidden cracks already.

Don Alexander
08-01-2010, 3:37 PM
thats some sweet looking oak

what would it take to get a chunk? hehe

i have to go right past Vestal in a couple of weeks on my way to Albany and back :D subtle hint errrr maybe not so subtle :D

Cathy Schaewe
08-01-2010, 4:27 PM
Don, pm sent.

Don Alexander
08-01-2010, 4:42 PM
you rock :)

Michael James
08-01-2010, 4:59 PM
That is awesome... YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Awesome work on Awesome wood! Best of luck on getting it to the finish line.:)

Cathy Schaewe
08-01-2010, 8:01 PM
MJ - thanks - BTW, I like your new avatar/logo symbols. Very appropriate, given your many talents!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2010, 10:04 PM
Cathy that is one beautiful piece. I think it might just hold as was said the grain going every which way might do the trick.