View Full Version : Meet a Fellow Creeker

Gary Conklin
07-30-2010, 10:27 PM
A few days ago I posted looking to borrow a Kelton Bowl saver, well fellow creeker Joe Bradshaw was kind enough to help me out. I had no idea he was so close. Anyway I went by his shop tonight and we hung out for a bit. Great shop and BEAUTIFUL Oneway's. Joe's work is very nice and well done, wish he would post some of it.

Joe was a great host and even shared his cold beverages. Sadly no camera present to capture the "proof." I will tell you that Joe is a great guy, and conversationalist.

Steve Schlumpf
07-30-2010, 10:30 PM
Always good to hear of Creekers getting together! Sounds like you have a good time! Next time - be sure to remember your camera!

Bernie Weishapl
07-30-2010, 10:43 PM
Creeker get togethers are great. Glad you were able to have a great visit.

John Keeton
07-30-2010, 10:46 PM
Gary, glad you got to borrow the coring system AND spend some time with a creeker! You need to work on Joe to get him to post some turnings, as well as a pic of his lathe setup. That would be a treat!

David E Keller
07-31-2010, 12:07 AM
Sounds like a lot of fun, and it's certainly a bonus that you've found a fellow Creeker who lives nearby.

We'll let you slide on the post with no photos this time, but any future gathering should be documented.:D