View Full Version : Brushing Lacquer Cure Time

Rob Steffeck
07-29-2010, 12:07 PM
I've just finished putting on a 5th coat of Deft Brushing Lacquer on some decorative flamed maple boxes. I can't seem to find any details on complete cure time (prior to rub out). The Deft spec sheet states 18 hours as "Handle time", but I'm guessing complete cure time is much longer.

So how long do people wait for Deft brushing lacquer to cure before rubbing out? I'm in Portland and its warm, but very low humidity right now. I was planning on waiting 3 or 4 days, but want to make sure I don't end up with a gummy mess when starting the rub out.

Phil Phelps
07-29-2010, 1:01 PM
Over the past 45+ years I've never used brushing lacquer. If I were spraying it, which I'd cut 50% or more, I could probably sand it in 30 minutes.

Howard Acheson
07-29-2010, 1:03 PM
Deft is a lacquer. Lacquer finishes dry by the evaporation of their thinner. As soon as the thinner has evaporated, the finish is dry. It does not cure the way oil based finishes do.

In gereral a brushing lacquer should be ready for rubbing out in 3-4 days.

Rob Steffeck
07-29-2010, 7:12 PM
Thanks. I realize lacquer curing is just an evaporative process, not a chemical one. I'll go with my original plan and wait 4 days before final finish. Cheers!