View Full Version : Two years of progress ...

Cliff Holmes
07-29-2010, 9:15 AM
Hard to believe it's been two years since this started ...

Rick Markham
07-29-2010, 9:19 AM
Sure is purdy! Time flies when your having fun :D

Gary Venable
07-29-2010, 9:27 AM
That is an impressive upgrade. Nice shop space.


Ben Hatcher
07-29-2010, 9:58 AM
Nice space, Cliff. Tell me, does the dust collection hose on your splitter not get in the way when you're trying to rip on your tablesaw?

Cliff Holmes
07-29-2010, 10:09 AM
No, normally it's hooked over the fence. Once I finish the extension table, I'll be able to install the permanent ducting, for the fence it'll be a rigid pipe running above the saw.

Roger Jensen
07-29-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi Cliff,

Where did you get your retractable extension cords on the ceiling? Rockler had them on sale for $60 and I missed it - I'm afraid I'll have to wait for the next sale.



Joe A Faulkner
07-30-2010, 3:01 PM
I am 5 months into a total remodel. Progress is going much slower than I anticipated. There's family time, the day job, and other considerations, but inch by inch some progress is being made. Posts like these motivate me to keep going. Thanks for passing it along. What are you using for DC? looks like you run a flex hose to the tablesaw main? I'm guessing a 3 hp or greater cyclone?

Dave Houseal
07-30-2010, 4:43 PM
That looks great! What a big step forward...and big steps do take time...lol

I'm just over 1yr 3 months into my new shop, and I just finally got it to where I can actually work out there!

Been spending too much time on the rest of the place. I can only hope to have made that much progress by the 2 yr mark :D

glenn bradley
07-30-2010, 5:22 PM
What a great set of before and after shots. Fantastic.

Where did you get your retractable extension cords on the ceiling?

I have been running a pair of HF 12ga x 40' ones for years. I got them on sale for $35 and have been waiting for them to die. I tool the oldest and most often used one apart a bit to inspect for any issues and the insides still look brand new; bizarre.

Bruce Page
07-30-2010, 5:47 PM
Wow, nice transformation. I’m curious about your ceiling, it looks like you laid solid Styrofoam between the rafters.

Mike Cruz
07-30-2010, 10:11 PM
Looks great! Too clean, but great.

gary Zimmel
07-31-2010, 1:22 PM
Night and day Cliff.
The man cave (shop) looks fantastic....

Bartee Lamar
08-01-2010, 2:13 PM
Reminds me of my shop. But it took me 7 years.

The biggest difference was the WHITE walls !!! I see you also got white panels in the ceiling.

My DC is also the same as yours. PVC was great to work with.

Very Nice !!!!

Cliff Holmes
08-01-2010, 8:05 PM
your ceiling, it looks like you laid solid Styrofoam between the rafters.

Actually, I used 3/4" styrofoam insulation as the finish ceiling. What looks like the rafters is actually 1.5" wide strips of 1/4" plywood. We tried using nails and staples, but they'd just pull right though the styrofoam, so we nailed through the strips into the trusses.

I had originally planned to use a suspended acoustic ceiling, but the cost was too much. I had always read that using exposed styrofoam was dangerous, but I tested the stuff I used and it simply wouldn't burn, even under a direct flame when held vertically.

David Arbogast
08-04-2010, 2:17 PM
Looks great! Looks like you did it right on the amount of lighting...I need to add more fixtures to my little shop.

Cliff Holmes
08-04-2010, 2:59 PM
Yes, a dozen 8' T8 fixtures and 48 bulbs were pretty expensive, but definitely worth it. I'm approaching 50 and I don't see in dim light as well as I used to.

Kevin Gregoire
08-07-2010, 11:00 PM
cliff, the colored tubing looks really great and is a very nice contrast against the white walls. i wish my shop would look like that after two years!

Don Bullock
08-18-2010, 9:56 PM
Your shop is looking great. I really like the layout and DC set up. Very well done.

I wish I could have made that much progress on my shop in the past two years. Due to my "home improvement" list of things to do setting up my shop for actual wood working, not carpentry, has been put on hold.