View Full Version : CMS multi tools stand OR.....

Bart Leetch
12-07-2004, 1:53 AM
How to crawl over the project your working on to get to the other side because of a small shop.

Well here are a few pictures of my small messy shop & progress shots of the CMS stand.

As you can see it is a little tight but I did get the top on & edge banding on & bull-nosed the edge.

I still have to build the new extended platforms for the CMS & Mortiser.

Bart Leetch
12-07-2004, 2:23 AM
One more picture a straight on shot.

Frank Pellow
12-07-2004, 6:12 AM
Bart, I would not call your shop "messy". Rather, to me, it looks well organized and well used. The stand in progress looks like a piece of furniture -very nice!

Steve Jenkins
12-07-2004, 7:02 AM
It's lookin good Bart. should really clear up some room once it's in place and loaded up.

Tyler Howell
12-07-2004, 8:28 AM
Nice Job Bart!

Know the feeling of hurdling one project to get to another. Lots of good storage space there. Enjoy.

Lou Morrissette
12-07-2004, 8:37 AM
Coming right along, Bart. Looks great! What did you use for the top? Will the CMS support be level with the RAS? You know I'm waiting on yours before I start Mine.:D


Jim Becker
12-07-2004, 9:20 AM
Wow! Getting that top on really makes a huge difference in how the project looks, Bart. You've done a wonderful job on this project...good design, great versatility and perfect for the space available. The mobility was a great idea, too...

Bart Leetch
12-07-2004, 12:18 PM
Frank Thanks for the compliment .

Steve As you see it it is loaded & in place.

Tyler But its rather hard on the knees, its already full.

Lou I used 3/4" MDF cough cough for the first time but it sure made a nice top. Yes the CMS support will be level with the RAS it will be constructed similarly to the support that it is setting in now but deeper front to back & longer with the Mortiser built in to the left of the CMS so that it will slide forward for use & back for storage & to clear the CMS work area.

Jim Thanks for the compliment.

Ted Shrader
12-07-2004, 1:21 PM
Bart -

You know that cabinet is either (1) goiing to have to go in the house or (2)a sister to it will have to be built for the house. :)

That is really coming together nicely.

Well Done!

Jim Fancher
12-07-2004, 2:06 PM
Lou I used 3/4" MDF cough cough for the first time but it sure made a nice top.
You wouldn't happen to have a closeup of your edge banding at the corner, would you?

Bart Leetch
12-07-2004, 3:43 PM

The banding material on this project is 1" thick & 1 1/2" tall I glued & nailed the ends on first & then glued & nailed the long sides on next. The long sides were left a fuzz long & sanded down flush with the end & all the banding was bull-nosed. Nothing fancy here real simple. Sorry if you were looking for something fancy or complicated. :D

Jim Fancher
12-07-2004, 5:17 PM
Sorry if you were looking for something fancy or complicated. :D
No problem! I just finished the edge banding on my router table and was wondering what you did with yours.