View Full Version : I can fix this... maybe

James Combs
07-26-2010, 11:18 PM
Was turning a walnut bowl with and under cut on the edge and rotated my gouge... just a little... what's it gonna hurt? "KABLOOY" WOW I guess it had to happen sometime. Pieces parts everywhere... but I think I can fix it. Will post the results later.

David DeCristoforo
07-26-2010, 11:22 PM
Ooo... I hate it when that happens. I would do just what you are doing and try to glue it back together...

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2010, 11:28 PM
Sorry to see that. Kinda like the famous last cut.:mad:

James Combs
07-26-2010, 11:57 PM
Ooo... I hate it when that happens. I would do just what you are doing and try to glue it back together...

Yeah, there were a couple of smaller pieces I couldn't find so I am using walnut turnings and CA as a filler. If it turns out like I want it too I will make a separate posting.

John Keeton
07-27-2010, 6:55 AM
JD, when undercutting a rim like that any upturn on the tip of the gouge is a near guaranteed catch!! The gouge needs to be nearly horizontal.

But, no need for that tip at this point - I believe you already know that one!!!:eek:;) Looks like you will be able to save it, though. This might be a good one to do some embellishment on the rim to mask the repair.

Quinn McCarthy
07-27-2010, 9:45 AM
You could duct tape it. R. G. would be proud

My last 3 bowls all ended up the same way. One was segmented. Bunch of time lost there.

My condolences.


Tim Rinehart
07-27-2010, 10:08 AM
Well, that's what the shirt my wife had made for me says, anyway!

James, for what it's worth, here's my $0.02 worth.

First, if you have more of this walnut, I would not have tried to mend this piece, but would have just taken it down to a platter or attempted a new design by carving out the broken area as some sort of artistic statement...

Second, if you really wanted to save it and don't want the CA staining of adjacent surfaces that may be finished turned near the crack, consider either wiping or spraying on some shellac on the adjacent areas (avoid spraying the broken areas where you want CA to go). This will minimize or eliminate the CA staining if you aren't taking much more material away.

I really limit my use of CA to hairline cracks and splits, and reattachment of bark for NE bowls/vessels.

They don't give CA away....so I try not to overuse the stuff where not needed or where I don't think I'll be happy with result.

All that being said...I hope the piece works out for you whatever you do.